sick plants


Well-Known Member

About 10 days ago I planted 3 seeds 2 were white voodoo and 1was Zeus. They were side by side in the same tent in the same soil in the same pot and received the same amount of 6.0 ph'd water. Here is what they looked like after 5 days.

20151223_134510.jpg 20151228_014737.jpg There are sign on the Zeus strain that something is wrong. The 2 others seedlings seem to be growing strong. This is what they looked like 3 days later (yesterday)
20151230_231942.jpg 20151230_232136.jpg
I translated it thinking the soil was at fault. Any input would be great, thanks!!


Well-Known Member
fert in soil will bring the pH down some. the range for soil is something like 6.0 to 6.8. using unpH'ed water is fine for a soil grow as there should be some fert involved, either in the soil already or added by the grower.


Well-Known Member
Like I said my water runs at almost 8. no buffers my ph would go way the way I grow hydro.


Well-Known Member
fert in soil will bring the pH down some. the range for soil is something like 6.0 to 6.8. using unpH'ed water is fine for a soil grow as there should be some fert involved, either in the soil already or added by the grower.
They are way to young to be fed yet, this is a soil-less grow meaning there is no ph or fert in the soil, i have done alot of research and have read in many places that Ph is important, Thanks!


Well-Known Member
pH is important but is largely due to the fert content in soil, or water if you're using hydro. why would the soil be too hot? are your room temps high? But seriously, if there's not fert in the soil then obviously it isn't hot. One other issue is that there seems to be the wrong idea spreading on the net about the definition of "soilless." It just means that there's no dirt like outdoors in the grow. You can have potting soil with fert in it and it's still a soilless grow. The common potting soils are soilless even if they have fert in them.
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Well-Known Member
no need to pH down your water.
Keep your shitty advice to yourself man

Did you think his ph down would be causing this? Or what are you getting at??

And no, you dont understand soiless. It's pretty easy actually. If it has ANY microbes in it breaking down organic compounds, it's termed a soil grow. Ie. Potting SOIL. If it's a bag of inert peatmoss, spag, and perlite it's SOILESS. Different rules for both types of grow.

This newbie seems like he's on his way to figuring it out, dont need some "one style" green thumb comin in and confusing the guy. We have enough of that on these boards.

...dont ph for a soiless grow??? C'mon man. And i usually am with ya for the most part of your posts.

And OP- "hot" soil (less) is referring to the amount of available nutes in the medium. Not the temperature.


Well-Known Member
well snafuu, you're obviously confused. You wrote the same thing I did, that potting soil (peatmoss, sphagnum, perlite) is soilless. That's exactly what I wrote, that the common potting soils are soilless even if they have fert in them, but having bacteria doesn't change soilless into soil. If you want to think of it as a living soil, go ahead. I didn't write that it's not necessary to pH correct for a soilless grow. I wrote that it's not necessary to pH correct water. If he's not giving ferts, then he doesn't have to pH correct. The grower only wrote that he was pH correcting water. No nutrients have been given yet. It was Igotthe6 that made mention of the soil being hot, but unless there is nutrients in the soil already, it's not going to be hot. I suspect the grower knows this already. When I wrote that the soil would be hot based on its temperature, I was just making a joke. Outdoor soil has bacteria breaking down organic material to recycle it for new plants. Bacteria in a potting soil doesn't mean it's soil like topsoil we find outdoors. It's still a soilless grow, but with bacteria. Here's an article that explains:

please don't call my advice shitty... man.
One more thing, giving pH down as phosphoric acid put this in the soil like it's a fertilizer. Giving phosphorus without other nutrients can create an imbalance that might be harmful.
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Well-Known Member
well snafuu, you're obviously confused. You wrote the same thing I did, that potting soil (peatmoss, sphagnum, perlite) is soilless. That's exactly what I wrote, that the common potting soils are soilless even if they have fert in them, but having bacteria doesn't change soilless into soil. If you want to think of it as a living soil, go ahead. I didn't write that it's not necessary to pH correct for a soilless grow. I wrote that it's not necessary to pH correct water. If he's not giving ferts, then he doesn't have to pH correct. The grower only wrote that he was pH correcting water. No nutrients have been given yet. It was Igotthe6 that made mention of the soil being hot, but unless there is nutrients in the soil already, it's not going to be hot. I suspect the grower knows this already. When I wrote that the soil would be hot based on its temperature, I was just making a joke. Outdoor soil has bacteria breaking down organic material to recycle it for new plants. Bacteria in a potting soil doesn't mean it's soil like topsoil we find outdoors. It's still a soilless grow, but with bacteria. Here's an article that explains:

please don't call my advice shitty... man.
One more thing, giving pH down as phosphoric acid put this in the soil like it's a fertilizer. Giving phosphorus without other nutrients can create an imbalance that might be harmful.
Hmmmm good points.

Just sayin for a noob (and myself) PHing every time isnt gonna be a bad thing. One drop phosphoric acid per liter isn't gonna create an imbalance. And in my opinion PHing everything going in is just good practice.

Sorry to jump down your throat. One of those days....