Sickly Clones, Purple Cole Trinty

DJ GreenThumb

Active Member
Hello all, I need a lil help

I received 4 clones that my sister got from somebody and when I got them they were very pale green and a lot of the leaves were quite crispy. I am not entirely sure what the deal was with them. They l am assuming were starved for nutes and probably hadn't had any real light. They look like the guy was over his plant count and had tossed them aside until he gave them to my sis, they are rooted.

I hit em with 1/2 strength nutes and tossed em under my 8 - 4ft T5 fixture and I have managed to keep 3 of them alive though very stunted, 3 are Purple Coal Trinity and one is Grunk (Grape Ape X Skunk), is it possible that they could regain their vigor and possibly could come back be a viable mother plants or is the damage done? If so what can I do to get them to come back?

Not sure I can get another cut because my sister sent in her caregiver change request to change it from them to me. These are strains that I would like to continue to least the P.C.T as it is my sisters favorite strain and a super dank clone only strain, Purple pheno of a 3 way hybrid of strains from the emerald triangle in Cali I believe or something purple crossed with the trinity, I wish I could find some info on the actual strains used.

Thanks in Advance +rep fer helpin :p



Well-Known Member
Cant tell from that pic, but based on the crusty leaves, I'd say youre feeding too many nutes. Are the leaves cupping in at the edges? Any yellow spots on the leaves?

You cant go wrong by giving them a good flush, then planting them in some Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil with perlite. That should feed them for at least 2 weeks.

DJ GreenThumb

Active Member
When I got them they were in coco coir and had never been given any nutes. The only thing they have ever been given was some 1/2 strength Dutch Master gold 2 part that I gave them when I put them in Soil. As I stated in my post they were extra clones and had been totally neglected from the time they were cut from the mother.