Sickly new growth shoots in Veg Help?



Temp 65 to 70 3 week in veg 24 hour 1000 w rh 50 ph 6.5 to 6.8. Spindly skinny new shoot growth with brown or purple towards the back of the leaf when leaf grows out it becomes deformed. Help? I 've never seen this on any plant problem pics before.


Well-Known Member
What is the true age of these plants, if they came from a mother whats her age? The pics aren't real clear, what have you given these plants? From start to where you are now, including but not limited to micro nutrients?

Plants suffering from calcium deficiency will have smaller deformed leaves, coloring might be another problem.


2nd generation clones from seed (nirvana fem Blacjkjack) Sorry about the pics. pic 3 shows it a little better then the others. The new growth shoot comes out crinkled, skinny with discoloration (brownish purple) It never grows out normal just deformed. I use a botanicare in veg with ph at 6.5. Some times the water temp get's a little cold (Tahoe) but i've adjusted that to 65 to 70 degrees no nutes for first 2 weeks. I've tried boric acid on one to see if boron deficiency no luck. Had one plant out of 10 do this last harvest. It grows into a bush with no main cola. fungus? boron? Calcium? Skinny Mutant strain. Thanks for the response. Not home I'll take some better photos. Lights on 24.


What is the true age of these plants, if they came from a mother whats her age? The pics aren't real clear, what have you given these plants? From start to where you are now, including but not limited to micro nutrients?
Plants suffering from calcium deficiency will have smaller deformed leaves, coloring might be another problem.
Here are some013.jpgnew pics. I'm not sure how the reply in quote works but i think youll get the point my plants are dying here. Again I've never seen this greensmanpage has nothing that looks like this. The plants look burnt but the lights are over 2 feet away some plants are killing it over 2 feet these are growing sideways because of the tops getting mutilated please a little help here.


Well-Known Member
What is your temperature at the top of the plants? It does look like heat burn but 24" above the tops shouldnt be hot at all............. Hold your hand above the plant top, does it feel hot? If it is, that's the problem........

If its not, I've never seen stunted weak and limpy brown new growth before................. so I'm out of useful help ;)


Crazy or what. Maybe fungal or a disease. I've flushed with no success. The leaves coming out of the shoots are a bright lime green so maybe nitrogen but not sure. Mabe try less light cutting it to it 20/4 tonight. Have you ever seen boron def, or cal def?


Well-Known Member
I've never seen a single mold or fungus in person with respect to marijuana. My rooms never get dirty enough or contaminated enough to allow that............. Never had a cal/mg deficiency in my room either, always used calmag. I'm a Hydro guy though,

Try 18/6 for light, more than 18 and your just wasting electricity........... Whether or not that helps your problem................. *shrug*

I veg under a 1000w lamp too, and my height and room temperatures are teh same as yours.


Well-Known Member
2nd generation clones from seed (nirvana fem Blacjkjack) Sorry about the pics. pic 3 shows it a little better then the others. The new growth shoot comes out crinkled, skinny with discoloration (brownish purple) It never grows out normal just deformed. I use a botanicare in veg with ph at 6.5. Some times the water temp get's a little cold (Tahoe) but i've adjusted that to 65 to 70 degrees no nutes for first 2 weeks. I've tried boric acid on one to see if boron deficiency no luck. Had one plant out of 10 do this last harvest. It grows into a bush with no main cola. fungus? boron? Calcium? Skinny Mutant strain. Thanks for the response. Not home I'll take some better photos. Lights on 24.
Boron is a pretty rare deficiency, it is a very micro nutrient, I'm not even sure how important it is, and probably can become toxic at high levels, which could be worse than having none. With that said, you could have some serious micro deficiencies, especially if the mother was deprived of important nutrients. Lets go through a checklist, the food you are using has ample supplies of (n) (p) (k). I'm going to assume yes, as you seemed concerned about micro nutrients, and these are not new babies.

Have the mother(s) been given micro nutrients prior to the cuttings being taken? Any problems the mother shows will quickly show in the cuttings, as these are her in essence. There is an amazing product made by a company called Epsoma, called Greensand, any mothers soil should be treated with this, I think Organic growers use Earth Juice for this. I wont even grow without a bag of Greensand at my side.

Lets get back to the immediate problem at hand, you say your new shoots come out lacking chlorophyll? In the young leaves it could be zinc deficiency, I can't memorize every problem so I read a little on the plant problem sticky on this forum. Here is what I would do, I would transplant these into brand new soil treated with a proper supply of micro nutrients. Sometimes things get so ugly, that you first want to make sure the soil is not the problem, after transplant, I would just give them distilled water for a week or 10 days, than mix in 50% doses of feeding. You never know if you got some soil that had too much of 1 thing that caused a deficiency in something else. Square one is sometimes a good place to return to.

Think of your micro nutrients as a teeter totter, many of them need the other to work correctly themselves. The most common one to explain is calcium and magnesium need each other to work properly, if you add one you need the other. Very similar to the human body needing vitamin D to make proper use of the calcium from milk. So always make sure you get as many of these micros in proper dosages involved from the start, you will find you have happy healthy plants as a result. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.


Well-Known Member
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Temp 65 to 70 3 week in veg 24 hour 1000 w rh 50 ph 6.5 to 6.8. Spindly skinny new shoot growth with brown or purple towards the back of the leaf when leaf grows out it becomes deformed. Help? I 've never seen this on any plant problem pics before.
yeah, no doubt your root system is underdeveloped and prob rotting. This is the cause of toxic looking new growth. add at least 24 hours between waterings for a few weeks and give that root system some air.


Thanks for the reply's. I grow these for my ailing father who has fallen in love with MJ all over again. (product of the 60's) New soil, distilled water, 18/6 a little wind. What a concept. Sounds like going back to basics I'll give it a try. My next big idea was to try and spell molybeddum. Thanks again. I'll touch back in a few days.