
Hi guys - please help! One of my plants appears to be quite sick and nothing I do seems to change it. Primarily, as you can see from the photos, many of the leaves are curling, dying, turning brown and flaking off. New shoots at the bottom are doing the same, though the leaves at the very top seem relatively healthy.

I've only been using water and tomato-food with her and these conditions are identical to that used on another plant that is blooming beautifully, except for the fact that this one spent the first five weeks of her life under a CFL rather than the sunny windowsill that seems more effective.

Is now ten weeks old and about to switch to 12-12 so any help would be much appreciated!



Well-Known Member
Using miracle grow there??
Looks like nitrogen deficiency......
It doesnt look ready for flower yet, this issue should be resolved first.
Welcome to RIU
what's the npk on that miracle gro and how often are you feeding? looks like a major nute burn. the other leaves at the top look healthy tho. short of knowing what you're doing exactly, i'd say flush it with water for the next few days. those leaves aren't coming back. might wanna just cut them off. lollipop it. on another note, you let it veg too long for an indoor grow. plants usually get 4x taller after 12/12.


Well-Known Member
what's the npk on that miracle gro and how often are you feeding? looks like a major nute burn. the other leaves at the top look healthy tho. short of knowing what you're doing exactly, i'd say flush it with water for the next few days. those leaves aren't coming back. might wanna just cut them off. lollipop it. on another note, you let it veg too long for an indoor grow. plants usually get 4x taller after 12/12.
Your a little right and a little wrong Bud
not 4 times taller, and not that plant usually 1-3 times taller, 4 for maybe someone like MBlaze or fdd not most.
Those are solar cells for bud dev, removing them is doing more harm, leave em along.
Don't lop it either, stressed enough, don't give it more.

Flush it and get some better nutes, MG isnt the best for MJ at all.:bigjoint:
phenom, i'll give you the 1-3x growth but i know what i'm saying. those leaves are nothing more than crisps and they won't do anything for bud production so they gotta go. the leaves at the bottom aren't going to do much especially if fred continues using cfl into flower. the plant is too tall for light to reach the bottom. those dead leaves and those bottom fans or suckers need to go. they do nothing more than take energy away from bud producing sites. concentrate on the healthy growth at the top. the miracle gro is not a problem if fred understands npk. many growers use and are successful with miracle gro because they understand the npk. on top of that, it doesn't draw attention like buying a batch of GH 3-part or Advanced Nutrients.

fred just let me know how you're feeding. chances are, you feed every time you water which is causing nutrients to build up and burn the plant causing them to become crispy. if that's the case, i would flush with plain water to get rid of excess nutes (2 gallons of water for every gallon of soil), cut those bad leaves, lollipop (cut those bottom suckers), and move to flower in a week. look for those leaves to lift a bit after you water. if you want to keep those lower fan leaves, try to get some cfls down there to help them out. they're not going to get it from the main light.


Well-Known Member
I would remove the dead parts but not the whole ones, but everyone has a pref either way.

I'm no where near a pro yet. Hey ordering nutes takes being smart about it, order less than $100 a week
plain boxes, take your trash elsewhere to ladill ect, make sure your name isnt in the trash with it or anything and nothing to worry with.
Advanced or GH or any other nute company has advantages over MG, I surely wouldnt flower with it you can taste it. Well plp that kno taste can anyhow.

Flushing should happen ATLEAST every month I try to do so every 2-3 week like anthonytaurus said, to remove the salts.
That could be N lockup going on there also. hell Im stoned guys.
If you dont give it alot of light soon your not going to yeild much, take my advice my first plant I just harvested is yeilding about 3oz so said and she looked so big I thought...
It takes alot of CFLs to get it done, I dont have to remove bottom leaves.


Thanks for your replies guys! I'll take that advice on board.

I've attached two more pictures here to show you the other plant I'm growing (aint she a beaut) because they are the same age, from the same batch of seeds, I've treated her exactly the same, in terms of fertiliser frequency and watering and the only difference is that this one was on the windowsill for her entire life.

The tomato food I was using was, I believe 4-4-8 NPK, though I've since learned that I would have been better off with Baby Bio as it has a high nitrogen count which is better during the vegetative stage.

I water usually twice a week and have a meter to test ph, water and light amounts - and have taken great care not to over water. Typically I'll do one water with room-temperature, dechlorinated water and one with the tomato food mix.

I have moved both plants to 12-12 now but perhaps I should try and fix the sick one before I continue with this cycle?

Hope this helps to solve the mystery!



Well-Known Member
Thanks for the nfo umm what kinda soil mix you got there?
You should add 1 table spoon molasses to your water/feedings it will help a good bit