Smoke Report: Sickmeds Green Crack S1
How did I get the stuff ready so fast? I "cheated". Actual harvest was several weeks ago, and grow report was "time delayed". Buds have been dried and curing for full three weeks now. Onto the report:
Weight: Final yield was about 1.2 ounces bone dry and heavily manicured. For what its worth, the final plant height here was only about 28" and the flowering was done under only 1/2 of a 250W HPS. So while not great, its not quite as bad as it sounds. As expected, buds are dense, and relatively heavy for their size. Of course they're highly resinous, and the purple came through. Figured a good background for the shot would be blue jeans!:

Scent:: Dominant mango scent. There is also some "weed" scent in the jar, but more sour mango, which becomes SUPER strong on the grind. This really is one of the nicest bud smells I've seen. Interestingly, unlike many strains which give off scents of hay/grass/weed during the cure, this one gave off almost entirely just mango scent the entire time, which was an unexpected bonus.
Taste: A distinct fruity mango taste, just like scent. This is definitely a winner in terms of taste/scent. Can't wait to try this in a vaporizer.
Effect: Again, I've learned the hard way from being accidentally "couchlocked" to always start small when testing new strains. So I picked one tiny bud, weight it out at 0.22 grams, and rolled it into a "pinner" joint. Buds are so sticky, the joint basically "glued" itself into place.
Interestingly, I'd say this one had a bit of a "mixed" effect, not quite the pure "racy" sativa, that some have attributed to the strain, but maybe 70-30% "head/body". Not sure if this is normal for this strain, if it was due to pheno of my particular plant, the fact that I pushed the flowering time out so long to 60 days, or even that I had a bit of residual tolerance from the
William's Wonder I also tried the previous night. But it was motivational, a good "daytime" strain, and I got a bit of spring cleaning done after smoking! Effect lasted about 3 hours.
Potency was high. Not "crazy" high, but description of 15-18% THC sounds about right to me. Next time I'd up the dose a little to maybe 300mg or maybe a bit more.
In summary, even though the yield was lower than I would have liked, potency was good, and visual appearance ("bag appeal"), scent and flavor are just absolutely outstanding. Personally, I'm always after quality, not quantity, and this one is just outstanding in that respect. I think it did live up to my expection of fast maturity, fruity scent, and high potency.
With the limitation that you're going to get different phenos that may vary a bit in shape and yield, I do think this is probably the best representation of the "Green Crack" strain in ceed form that's out right now. If you're interested in trying it, this is worth a shot, and I will be growing this one again.