Sickmeds: Green Crack S1 Feminized

One thing about clones is they always switch to flower quicker because they are already sexually mature(same age as the mother). So usually a clone will switch to producing pistils and buds right away where when you switch your plant to flower and its not sexually mature yet your forcing it to flower. Do you get what I'm talking about? Clones will start flowering right away where when you force a plant to flower inmaturly it takes usually 2 weeks to show pistils.

Have you ever tried any of the flower-inducing products out there? I just know "Bud Blood" by Advanced Nutrients, but, WOW! what a difference when using the stuff. The 2 weeks that you were talking about is cut down to 4 or 5 days! Plus, it sets more flowers ie. less space between nodes.
Smoke Report: Sickmeds Green Crack S1

How did I get the stuff ready so fast? I "cheated". Actual harvest was several weeks ago, and grow report was "time delayed". Buds have been dried and curing for full three weeks now. Onto the report:

Weight: Final yield was about 1.2 ounces bone dry and heavily manicured. For what its worth, the final plant height here was only about 28" and the flowering was done under only 1/2 of a 250W HPS. So while not great, its not quite as bad as it sounds. As expected, buds are dense, and relatively heavy for their size. Of course they're highly resinous, and the purple came through. Figured a good background for the shot would be blue jeans!:

GreenCr (3).jpgGreenCr (1).jpg

Scent:: Dominant mango scent. There is also some "weed" scent in the jar, but more sour mango, which becomes SUPER strong on the grind. This really is one of the nicest bud smells I've seen. Interestingly, unlike many strains which give off scents of hay/grass/weed during the cure, this one gave off almost entirely just mango scent the entire time, which was an unexpected bonus.

Taste: A distinct fruity mango taste, just like scent. This is definitely a winner in terms of taste/scent. Can't wait to try this in a vaporizer.

Effect: Again, I've learned the hard way from being accidentally "couchlocked" to always start small when testing new strains. So I picked one tiny bud, weight it out at 0.22 grams, and rolled it into a "pinner" joint. Buds are so sticky, the joint basically "glued" itself into place.

Interestingly, I'd say this one had a bit of a "mixed" effect, not quite the pure "racy" sativa, that some have attributed to the strain, but maybe 70-30% "head/body". Not sure if this is normal for this strain, if it was due to pheno of my particular plant, the fact that I pushed the flowering time out so long to 60 days, or even that I had a bit of residual tolerance from the William's Wonder I also tried the previous night. But it was motivational, a good "daytime" strain, and I got a bit of spring cleaning done after smoking! Effect lasted about 3 hours.

Potency was high. Not "crazy" high, but description of 15-18% THC sounds about right to me. Next time I'd up the dose a little to maybe 300mg or maybe a bit more.

In summary, even though the yield was lower than I would have liked, potency was good, and visual appearance ("bag appeal"), scent and flavor are just absolutely outstanding. Personally, I'm always after quality, not quantity, and this one is just outstanding in that respect. I think it did live up to my expection of fast maturity, fruity scent, and high potency.

With the limitation that you're going to get different phenos that may vary a bit in shape and yield, I do think this is probably the best representation of the "Green Crack" strain in ceed form that's out right now. If you're interested in trying it, this is worth a shot, and I will be growing this one again.
Have you ever tried any of the flower-inducing products out there? I just know "Bud Blood" by Advanced Nutrients, but, WOW! what a difference when using the stuff. The 2 weeks that you were talking about is cut down to 4 or 5 days! Plus, it sets more flowers ie. less space between nodes.

Never tried this product. Any idea what's in it?

One thing about clones is they always switch to flower quicker because they are already sexually mature(same age as the mother). So usually a clone will switch to producing pistils and buds right away where when you switch your plant to flower and its not sexually mature yet your forcing it to flower. Do you get what I'm talking about? Clones will start flowering right away where when you force a plant to flower inmaturly it takes usually 2 weeks to show pistils.

This is definitely true, though I think it just comes down to the age of the plant in question.

I think once plants get to be about two months old (either clone OR plant from ceed), they'll flower pretty much instantly. If you see "pre-flowers" at every node, that's a sign the plants want to start flowering right away.
great report.

Interestingly, I'd say this one had a bit of a "mixed" effect, not quite the pure "racy" sativa, that some have attributed to the strain, but maybe 70-30% "head/body". Not sure if this is normal for this strain, if it was due to pheno of my particular plant, the fact that I pushed the flowering time out so long to 60 days, or even that I had a bit of residual tolerance from the William's Wonder I also tried the previous night. But it was motivational, a good "daytime" strain, and I got a bit of spring cleaning done after smoking! Effect lasted about 3 hours.

I've found that a 45 day finish results in my favorite kinda high. It's a very strong Sativa buzz, racy, twitchy, and yeah, a bit paranoid. I've seen alot of people smoking this strain for the first time get a little freaked out.
Bud Blood is potassium phoshate, potassium sulfate, and magnesium sulfate. "P" is 39% and "K" is 25%. When you use this stuff it's micro-amounts and only once, max twice, right at the beginning of flowering.
Bud Blood is potassium phoshate, potassium sulfate, and magnesium sulfate. "P" is 39% and "K" is 25%. When you use this stuff it's micro-amounts and only once, max twice, right at the beginning of flowering.

So its basically lots of potassium, phosphate, and magnesium. Seems like a good mix since those are the nutrients flowering plants need the most.

I usually throw a shot of "flowering" type fertilizer at the start of flowering, plus a shot of epsom salts (which is magnesium sulfate), as I did here.
for the sake of completeness: i have harvested my plant on flowering day 45, which is today. will elaborate on effects, soon.

Sweet! I just ordered a 5 pack for a future grow. Thanks for the excellent grow and smoke report!
i will elaborate on effects only, as jogro has done an excellent job and i couldn't agree more on things like yield, smell, taste, growth, etc.

i have been experimenting with mind-altering drugs for the last few years and cannabis has always been a good comrade. as a side effect, the high i get from consuming cannabis has changed dramatically over time. everybody experiences drugs in a different way depending on many different factors. the following information is based on vaping green crack (cut on flowering day 45) with my iolite. this bud is so strong, it made me quit smoking weed (combustion) forever.

the high kicks in within a few minutes, reaches a plateau after 10-15 minutes and lasts for about an hour. senses are being amplified a lot(!) and as a result, time literally slows down. a 5-minute-walk feels like a half-hour-walk. movies become sensational and videogames appear real (not a big fan of either), music sounds live from stage and food tastes even more delicious (munchies kicked in). euphoria is a strong part of the experience.

all cannabis strains cloud/soften the brain to some extent. after 18-24h i felt like i could study again in a serious manner, which is very good compared to other strains that i've tried. tolerance builds up very quickly which might be a result of this strain's rather short flowering period. this bud is very energetic, not something to sit around in an idle fashion. running around the room, muscle training, jogging, walking, dancing, cleaning up - everything becomes interesting and intense.

i didn't socialize while being under the effects of green crack, yet, and felt quite paranoid the entire time. consuming this bud with a close friend, a relative or your significant other might be very interesting! this is a very racy sativa that can freak you out on higher doses. for me personally, this is not an everyday smoke and not something i want to be on while sitting university lectures or even going somewhere by public transportation. nevertheless, i look forward to find out how this bud does while clubbing: it will be either excellent or terrible.

to feel "cracked out" from reality is a very precise way to sum up this awesome strain (given a 45-day finish). i give it a 5/5 and will be growing more of it as soon as possible!

Bildschirmfoto 2013-03-16 um 22.32.57.png

ps: smoking (combustion) was like getting hit by brick wall: when i smoked this for the first time, i just ran out of my apartment and forgot the keys inside. after 5-6 six days of smoking i was feeling sick from it and had lost all of my mojo and energy for a few days. maybe this was because of my high physical sensivity. no more smoking for me in this lifetime - good thing they invented vaporizers! again - this is just me, other people might be completely fine.

pps: big thank you to M Dogg for recommending a 45 day finish. i love this strain.
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pps: big thank you to M Dogg for recommending a 45 day finish. i love this strain.[/QUOTE]

No problem dude, glad to help! We must have the same G.C. pheno 'cause your buds look alot closer to what mine do than Jogro's (sorry guys I will buy a camera soon!), with the lack of purple on the flowers.

I had quit smoking for a month or so a couple of years ago and decided to get back on the horse with some 45-day G.C., man I freaked myself out so bad! No visuals but goddamn was I tripping out! Was not enjoyable, but, at least I had enough experience to realize that it would wear off after an hour or so... Another time after work one night, I shared a joint with a buddy's mom who is an old hippie/grower/smoker, we puffed it back and she commented on the nice taste of it (she had maybe 3-4 tokes max.) and we parted ways till the next day. Her first reaction was that I had laced the joint with something, to which I assured her I had done nothing of the sort, so all she could say was WOW!

Another old hippie buddy of mine that I gave a clone to years ago loves it but refuses to call her "Green Crack", he insists on refering to it as "Sugar Babe"...whatever man, call it what you will just call me when it's gettin' blazed!
This is not the og Cush cut from ga,she had o purple ever.the real cut grew more like superkunk,with a creamy sweet hash flavor to die for.,not friends crossed it so I'd know.that said it still looks nice
This is not the og Cush cut from ga,she had o purple ever.the real cut grew more like superkunk,with a creamy sweet hash flavor to die for.,not friends crossed it so I'd know.that said it still looks nice
I don't know exactly which line you're talking about, but the clone-only plant everyone knows as "green crack" is known for three things: a mango-like scent, a racy high, and fast flowering times. I've never seen any description of this plant that didn't mention these three things.

Again, the Sickmeds ceeds this report is on are F1 ceeds, NOT the "clone only" line.

You can expect them to have some TRAITS of the original parent line (which they do), but they're not going to be identical. Nobody describes the originals as going purple, but lots of growers have commented that the F1 ceeds go purple, both Sickmeds version, and Riot ceeds versions.

If your friend is the one who originally bred this line, can you ask him where he sourced the original parents? Does he know anything about the "unknown CA indica" at all?
This is not the og Cush cut from ga,she had o purple ever.the real cut grew more like superkunk,with a creamy sweet hash flavor to die for.,not friends crossed it so I'd know.that said it still looks nice[/QU

Sorta right this isnt Green Crack this is S1s of Green Crack and purple does show up for just about everybody that runs the S1s from Sick Meds. Green Crack clone only is as Jogro described.
This is not the og Cush cut from ga,she had o purple ever.the real cut grew more like superkunk,with a creamy sweet hash flavor to die for.,not friends crossed it so I'd know.that said it still looks nice[/QU

Sorta right this isnt Green Crack this is S1s of Green Crack and purple does show up for just about everybody that runs the S1s from Sick Meds. Green Crack clone only is as Jogro described.

Not going to post any pictures, but I just finished flowering a clone off of the plant depicted in this report and the plant STILL went purple, despite minimum grow temps in the mid 60s F and flowering temps up to the mid 80sF.

This one just wants to go purple. . .again, the best explanation I have of this is that one of the parents is a purple strain.
I have 1 that the buds are almost black. she is low yielder and has seeds in it. she hermied in side of buds. sucks.... but the other 2 are fat budded and smell like mango, both stayed green and didnt hermi.
@ Jorgo
It's a clone and it's a real deal.
pictures a posted took them several weeks ago. I am flashing my 36 girls right now. I will take new pictures this weekend
the only thing is, my one has no purple at all, and my ones have very orange hairs.