sickmeds- williams wonder & kos- cindy99


Active Member
got a ten pack of each off h.d. (very great communication and service!!). started 4 of each and the shells on one of each have opened. they'll be going into 16oz. solo's tonight. anyone have personal experience with either of these? research has told me there both a good pick. both strains and breeders. they'll be grown in a typical 3.5x3.5x7 "box". with up to 1k.(can switch from 600-1150). any info is always welcome. IMG_2511.jpg


Active Member
all 8 showing taproots and planted into solo cups. less than 2 days to pop. off to a good start.


Active Member
update....2 of 4 Williams wonder and 3 of 4 cindy 99's are female. 5 outta 8...i'll take that!! also keeping one male of each for a few ceeds. maybe cross ' a question about one of my cindy' the 4th node, I believe, theres a fan leaf but no branch. its like it skipped a node. and the next leaves are sort of on the same side of the stalk. hard to explain, pic to come. also it has the mature node stagger starting the same node. seems like the node stagger (like a clone) this early(5wks) would indicate a 'faster' (special?) plant? the other two still have leaf 'sets'.


Active Member
so after a power outage and having to wait out the winter, im about ten days from chopping my first cindy 99. and 10 days after that a Williams wonder comes down. these are still the first seeds I planted 6 months ago. still no more info than I knew when I started them but they both look pretty good to me.



Active Member
right or wrong, first 2 are quick trimmed and hangin'. 1 c99 and 1 sannies herijuana. both at 50 days from flip. I know the heri is about 1.5-2 weeks early but need the room. going to let the next c99's go to 55 days and see the difference. got about 10-15 days(60-65) for the first of the Williams wonder to come out. really looking forward to that one. few random pics...



Active Member
no weight yet. any guesses? im thinkin' about 2.75-3...? (1 c99, 1 heri) a fat, mixed, trim joint treats me pretty well. cant wait to try the bud. couple weeks yet. anyone use Boveda packs? going to order some next week. also was gifted a huge upgrade. a 4x4 'lighthouse' grow tent. and a dryrack! much appreciated Dad!! and as ive heard him say before... 'this shit just got serious!!'...thanks also for all the advice from this site. (and others like it)...

