Sigh, is it really this hard?


Well-Known Member
Grab some beans, germinate them, get some decent soil, add germinated seed to soil, fill aquaglobe, put the pot under a light and be consistent with the lighting. (12 hours a day).

WTF is the problem?
Yeah I do need to get some good beans, lower temps a little and as you said put them in some good soil and chill :)


New Member
man your temp problem is easily solvable by investing into a cooltube, some ducting, and a fan. My 400w w/ 6" cooltube and ducting and 240cfm fan cost about $300. slap some mylar on top of the reservoir and the water will stay fairly cool that way too. Ambient temps don't get affected by more than a few degrees and the surface of a res with seedlings is 80f. however just in case I have a window air conditioning unit.


Well-Known Member
man your temp problem is easily solvable by investing into a cooltube, some ducting, and a fan. My 400w w/ 6" cooltube and ducting and 240cfm fan cost about $300. slap some mylar on top of the reservoir and the water will stay fairly cool that way too. Ambient temps don't get affected by more than a few degrees and the surface of a res with seedlings is 80f. however just in case I have a window air conditioning unit.
I was considering buying a cooltube. my 150w HPS is the type with the ballast enclosed and it has no glass cover...Temps run at 88-91F at the top of the tent and around 84-86 at mid level...I wonder how much the cooltube and not having the ballast in my tent would lower the temps?


Well-Known Member
A bunch..First just take out the ballast and see....back to growing issues....Are you useing a digital PH stick? A great $30 investment to keep ph very level fast....


Well-Known Member
Thank all of you guys for your replies!

As for the venting issue, I think I am going to pop a hole in the ceiling of my closet, as stated I can just easy fix it if anything goes wrong or I move my location with some spackle and drywall from home depot lol....That should help me keep the temperatures in the closet down because currently the hot air from the tent is being vented into the closet instead of elsewhere.

As for seeds I have been looking at seeds on attitude for like 2 hours hahah, so overwhelmed but I know I want a strain that a) finishes within 8-9 weeks and b) is indica dominant for height management but also has a fair amount of sativa - not a fan of heavy "couch-lock". I was looking at the pick and mix seeds...I will investigate the strains Relaxed suggested :)[/QUOTE

You can grow a indica strain harvest the tricomes when they are clear, that will give you the more soaring high. If you wait until the tricomes are amber gives you a coach lock high.


Well-Known Member
Just a quick update.

It seems that the buds are starting to produce new flowers! I'm looking closely to all those dead looking buds and all around are tiny little calyx popping up, some are closed but some are opening with pistils comming out...the hermie I had in with them that originally pollinated was taken out almost 4 weeks ago now so there is no chance they will get maybe by week 12 (it'll be 8 weeks flower as of monday) there will be some decent bud between all that seed? We shall see :) I'll take pictures.


Well-Known Member
Another Update!

So I cut a few of the lower branches off. Small nugs all full of seed...I dried it all out. Then I put it in a mason jar opening for 10 mins or so 1-2 times a day. I shook the mason jar gently to knock all the seeds out of the bud. Tonight I wanted to test it...just out of curiosity...I took one of the buds out, manually picked a few remaining seeds out - careful to keep the seed "pouch" (calyx) in tact. With my fingers I kind of pulled it all apart, calyx, stem and wahtever small bud was in there and loaded up my pipe.

LONG SOTRY SHORT IM BAKED hahahah yay!!!! Also I did not flush this bud too much and it still had a decent taste, not great but it wasnt that harsh cough out a lung non-flush taste. So I am pretty surprised and I am going to give the rest of the plant a few more weeks and chop it down...3 weeks will make week 11 that should be enough :)

Thanks for the encouragment guys, thought I was gonna end up with crap but seems I may get a decent zip of homegrown! On to my next grow!!