Signs of Over Watering!

Hey guys, i think i over whatered my plants!

what are the signs of overwatering just so i can confirm. and begin holding back h2o


Your plants leaves will start drooping if they've been over-watered or under-watered. If you've overwatered your plant, its leaves will be firm and curled down all the way to the stem of the leaf. You may also notice leaf yellowing. Plants use their roots to get oxygen which is dissolved in water or oxygen in their grow medium. When you overwater a plant, its roots are sitting in stagnant water which no longer has any oxygen left. The reason your plants droop is because basically their roots are starving for oxygen.

Give them a break and let them recover before giving them anything else


Well-Known Member
for now you should stop watering till the soil is bone dry. This is healthy 4 the plant b/c it promotes root growth. okay, this is my method when I water any plant.

From day 1, I drown the entire bucket under water until the soil is completely saturated. I have another bucket with dry soil in it as well. When the bucket with the plant looks dry, I pick it up and compare it to the other bucket with soil. If its similar I repeat the process. If you dont like this method you can always stick your finger 1-2 inches into the soil, if its dry, WATER!
thanks mattman. yeah ive never really let my soil dry out at all. how long will it take for a 10 gallon and a 5 gallon to dry out? plants are like 3 feet


It depends on how the room is situated, what's the average temperature? I know with 4ft tall plants in 7 gallon pots, they dry up in about 2-3 full days with average temp

and when i water. how much water should i use. Pot size. 10G AND 5G
Always just go until the bucket is heavy, if you see water running out of the bottom it means stop obviously lol