Signs of overwater?


New Member
Hello everyone, Happy Growing.
I'm currently growing out some GMOx wilson by masonic seed co in foxfarm ocean with a 4 to 1 soil to perlite ratio. This baby got fed yesterday and is looking like this after lights on today, wondering if it seems to have signs of overwater to anyone? No yellowing etc. Thank you guys in advance



Well-Known Member

When you over water the leaf stem stays straight and the leaf droops.

When you underwater the leaf stem and leaf droop.


You, my good sir, are over watering.

Get a feel for the weight of the bucket now when it's full of water, then gauge the weight again when the pot looks dry. Lift the bucket method.



New Member

When you over water the leaf stem stays straight and the leaf droops.

When you underwater the leaf stem and leaf droop.


You, my good sir, are over watering.

Get a feel for the weight of the bucket now when it's full of water, then gauge the weight again when the pot looks dry. Lift the bucket method.

Haa! A good rule of thumb thank you will be sure to do so. Appreciate the response


Active Member
If you want you can buy a soil moisture probe. To use:

Stick it all the way to the bottom of the pot. Water when the meter hits the beginning of the red zone.

Saved me a ton of guess work and improved the quality of my grows.



Well-Known Member
When they are small like that, I water out away from the plant, about the diameter of a solo cup and beyond towards the edges to encourage root spread. Also, it tends to keep me from overwatering