Sik's mini grow!!!


Well-Known Member
So I have a small mini grow going on. Didnt plan on growing until I moves back to ohio from texas but upon purchasing some used hydro gear I found someones stash of seeds. I fig what the heck crack a few and grow em anyways if they dont survive the move no big loss.

Okkk some grow info, cracked like 6 seeds originally and put them in DWC, cat ate like 3 and 1 was a male so that left me with 2 females. They appear to be a sativa, indica hybrid slightly more indica in my opinion. They have a weird sour smell that I have not smelled before in any of my grows.

The initial setup was a 6 gal, DWC using FF nutes first had bacteria problems then algae so I said screw it and I pulled them and put them in soil. Stuck them in a MG soil/perlite mix just use plain PH water and foliar feed with a mild FF mix once a day. They are sitting under a 400w HPS in a sterlite cabinet from walmart temps get no higher than 83F and no lower than 65F, on a 12/12 cycle.

They seem to be doing fairly good considering who knows what genetics they had such a horrible time in the DWC and got transplanted to soil and have to deal with MG so I cant complain.. only real problem there is a bit of clawing or tip curling under problem but plants seem perfectly healthy other than that.

PS: please excuse the very crappy pics from my cell phone.
These are at about 25 days from germination.



Well-Known Member
Thanks, I agree not bad considering what they have been through in just 25 days lol. They have actually been under 12/12 since seed but just showed sex like last week I believe


Well-Known Member
Just a couple update pics, they look a little ruff because they drank up their water alot faster than normal and the soil dry'd up so they was hurting for water a little. One on left is keeping really good tight node spacing but the one on right is stretching so I lowered the light some to try and help with that but I gotta watch so I dont burn em up with that hot ass light.



Well-Known Member

If it were me, I would cut back to plain water for awhile until that claw problem resolves. That's a building overnutrition issue. I had the exact same thing last year, I didn't recognize it early enough, fed some more, and really burned 'em up. On the next watering, I'd water heavy until I got good runoff, but not a "flush" in the 3X pot volume context.

Just my 0.02..


Well-Known Member
Yeah I was starting to think the same thing and have stopped foliar feeding with the Fox Farm, Gonna water them down next couple times and see how they shape up, thanks for the advice though +rep


Well-Known Member
Update: so0o At the rate the plants was growing and the one stretching with as long to go as they still have I figured I was going to run out of room So I figure I would play around a bit since these plants are a experiment.

I first snapped them over then placed in a screen and Im currently routing the cola's around as they grow up to the screen.



Well-Known Member
Couple more pics with that are a little clearer to see, really starting to see some tops make their way up.



Well-Known Member
Welcome along, I would say about 16 or so. Curious to see how they come out, the mystery stain lol....


Well-Known Member
Welcome along, I would say about 16 or so. Curious to see how they come out, the mystery stain lol....
haha yea you can't beat that, im sure that went crazy lookin for those things, or maybe he placed them in there for you to grow :weed:


Well-Known Member
I dont remember a exact number for sure but it should be somewhere around 32-33 days from germination.


Well-Known Member
Update: So I have a question, want to see what you guys think. The new tops are coming up and some of them seem to be stretching pretty good, there no way I can lower my light any more without toasting them and I dont really think thats the reason they are stretching anyways.

Even so do you all think I should bend them down and tie them LST style or through the chicken wire? or should I just leave them alone and see if they will stop stretching? I personally kind of think they will stop and the current stretching was just them shooting up for the light initially.



Well-Known Member
Little update, these things seem to be flowering fast, only about 5-6 days since the first sign of flowering.
