SiliconeBud's Sweet Purple Grow


Active Member
Hey bud .... You have been my primary guidance through my first grow, and am looking forward to seeing how yours turns out!

Hey, right back at you bro. Thanks for poking your head in here and taking a look. :bigjoint:

And thanks for the vote of confidence and I feel very privileged to help you in anyway I can. This is how it works, this is how it should always work everywhere. Imagine if everyone on this planet helped each other achieve something they desired. Just imagine where humanity would be right now.

Your grow will turn out just fine. No matter how big or how small your yield is, if you can smoke it and get high, you're successful.

I'll keep an eye on your grow too buddy.

- SB -


Well-Known Member
Mmmmm I love sweet purple so much! I grew it for a year straight, made seed from it, and crossed it with some of my other strains. (Check out grow journals 6 & 7 in my signature for more details)

I let it flower as long as I could, but that smell was absolutely DIVINE!!

If you're looking for purple, look on the underside of the may see some purple there, but my buds only had a 'hint' of purple, they didn't turn a deep purple like other strains.

And when you harvest, make sure you don't trim ALL of the leaves off..leave some leaves on the bud. She gets so sticky....when she dries, the leaves wrap around the bud and protect them..that makes the bud extra DANK!

Ugh I miss that strain so much...I grew out all of my seeds, and all the seed banks are out of stock.

Good luck, I definitely wanna see this harvest!



Active Member
looking incredible.
if you want some color try blackwater or purple wreck. i think blackwater has more colors in it.

blue mystic is also colorful
Awesome, I'll take a look at those. I was thinking of growing Romulan (click here) but not sure if the promo picture for the seeds is accurate of what will grow.

Mmmmm I love sweet purple so much! I grew it for a year straight, made seed from it, and crossed it with some of my other strains. (Check out grow journals 6 & 7 in my signature for more details)
Thanks Cash. Looked through your journals and in #6 funny how your Sweet Purple took a long time to grow, I had the opposite experience. In #7 she turned out good with the BB x.

Question for you. I'm thinking of letting her sit for another week, trichs still seem very clear to me. Did you check the color of the trichs on the BB x Sweet Purple at harvest? If so what were they like?

- SB -


Well-Known Member
Question for you. I'm thinking of letting her sit for another week, trichs still seem very clear to me. Did you check the color of the trichs on the BB x Sweet Purple at harvest? If so what were they like?

- SB -

Oh yea, the trichs were about 25% clear, 75% cloudy..I had to harvest early because that smell was just too much!...and it turned out BOMB!

You're on week 9? That seems like a really long time for this strain. How much longer are you gonna let her grow?


Active Member

Oh yea, the trichs were about 25% clear, 75% cloudy..I had to harvest early because that smell was just too much!...and it turned out BOMB!

You're on week 9? That seems like a really long time for this strain. How much longer are you gonna let her grow?
9 Weeks is a long time and I'm thinking of giving her another week to give those trichs more time to turn cloudy. Right now I see about 80-90% clear. So basically two weeks longer then the the seed pack gives for flowering time.

I've been grazing on the popcorn buds growin deep inside the plant, spot that gets basically no light, the trichs are all clear but yeah even then she does gives quite a punch.

- SB -


Active Member
End of week 9 and start of week 10,

Well I haven't chopped her and I decided to give her another week because her trichs are still mainly clear. I'm in no hurry to harvest and considering this part of gaining more experience watching the plant and her needs vs just following what is on the seed package.

Mid week, I topped off the reservoir and added some nutes. I don't know if it's my eyes or just wishful thinking but yesterday I swore I noticed more trichs, more sugar, appearing on the buds and leaves. Comparing pictures of the same bud over the last two weeks proved it's just my wishful thinking. (See the first pic below).

I will do a full water change today, along with full dose of nutes.

(This is what I'm calling my famous bud, I have photographed it each week for the past 5 weeks, the node is located mid plant)

Other than my wishful/hopeful thinking that more trichs appeared, very little has changed on this plant. No new pistols are forming, the buds are not getting any bigger (wider or taller). What I have noticed is she has begun to smell even more but gone is the old rotting cabbage smell. Now my room smells of a citrus and bud and this is a very good thing.


To me she looks ready to harvest because.

1) Calyxes are swollon and not growing/or changing
2) Almost all pistols have turned red/brown and curling into the bud
3) Leaves have begun to dry out (but not turning yellow)

But still give her another week to hopefully cloud up the trichs. If the trichs don't turn cloudy this week then I'll call it that is the way this strain is.

- SB -
Lookin' good bud....can't wait to see how much you pull from it and how she smokes. I'll be checking back in here very soon to stay updated.



Active Member
Thanks Smooth, come back in a few days.

quick update:

Harvest day is Friday, probably won't know the actual dry weight until mid March but I'm estimating at least 2Oz from this plant. Crossing my fingers for a little more.

The past couple of days I've noticed the trichs changing more to white, still a lot of clear but I would almost say 50/50 now. The smell is getting awesome and more pungent and I haven't turned on the inline fan with the carbon filter. No need since no visitors expected plus I love the smell.

If you've been following along you'll know my wife hates me grow'in due to the smell but even today when I got home she said, "smells getting really strong but pretty nice" :o, yeah just about fell over when I heard that. It's a different kind of smell, very citrus-y with a little skunk to it.

The largest fan leaves are also changing to yellow so I'm think'n shes done and I'm glad I gave her another week.

- SB - (My 200th post)
Right on!

I'll be outta town over the weekend....good luck with the harvest! Remember to take pics while harvesting/trimming/etc. for us newbies who've never done it before! Catch up with ya next week!


Active Member
Looking really good man !!! Cant wait to here the harvest update...
GL and happy blazing
Ill be interested in hearing about your drying techniques


Active Member
End of Week 10 and she PG has been cut down.

Bitter sweet moment. I've spent a lot of time with this plant, everyday I saw her, so a bit sad to see her go, last night was the only day I did any harm to her over the 3.5 months. One thing for sure she is sinsemilia, so no seeds and was not pollinated. And I guess from the growth from veg into flower more nodes grew because I have 20 branches instead of 14. The smell this week got quite strong, seemed like everyday it got more and more pungent.

This was actually a lot of work to cut down and of course more to come with the actual trimming. Each branch has some good weight to it and I noticed this week the branches starting to sag trying to hold the weight of the bud up.

Below are some of the harvest pics, I start by labeling all the branches where they came from, bottom, mid or top. Then, from the bottom up , I cut off the branches and huge fan leaves. I cut a row at a time, take each branch and rip off the large leaves and using large pair of sissors I trim tops of the leaves a bit, like giving a hair cut. Of course this is not the full trim but I don't like the leaves wrapping around the bud when drying. I then hang them for drying.

I keep track of where on the plant the branches came from so I know to use the lower ones for hash and BHO. The mid and top are prime for smoking. :joint:

Some branches are already spoken for friends and have their names on it.:smile:

The picture showing all the branches, minus the main cola, is a bit deceiving on the size and amount, there is actually quite a bit.

Where I live has almost zero humidity and from my last grow I know 1 week to 1.5 weeks is good enough for drying.

PG-Harvest (10).jpgPG-Harvest (2).jpgPG-Harvest (3).jpgPG-Harvest (7).jpg

I'm pretty sure I've got 2oz plus a bit more. :-P

- SB -



Active Member
Drying Update, this is one week after harvest.

I decided to do three methods of drying to see which one gives the better result.

1) Dry with leaves on in open air
2) Dry with leaves on in plastic bag
3) Trim during harvest then let dry in open air

Dry method #1 : Dry with leaves on.

At harvest I cut just a little of the tops of the leaves and hung them upside down to dry. Over a couple of days the leaves droop and cover the bud. This helps slow drying by keeping moisture between the leaves and the bud. I chose my middle branches for this method.

Were I live there is almost no humidity so drying is very quick. After 5 days the leaves were crisp (crunchy) and fell apart when squeezed. Underneath the leaves the outside of the bud was also crispy so this was a good time to trim. Checking the branches, they snap when I bend it 90 degrees but did not break in half. After trimming the bud stems are still a little moist, chewy, and perfect for going into a jar for curing.

Today I checked the bud inside the jars and became spongy again, not moist, but not crispy anymore. So curing process has begun for these guys.

Dry method #2 - Dry inside plastic bags


The theory with this method is by slowing down the drying process it will make denser and danker bud.
I chose the best looking branches and the main cola for this method. After 7 full days of drying, the leaves didn't droop and pretty much looked just like she did when I chopped her down. There has been a tiny bit of drying but not much.

I trimmed after 7 days because trimming when the leaves are dry is a real pain the ass.


Trimming the bud after 7 days in the bag I'll tell this stunk up my whole house. Wife not pleased. :roll: But yes smelled dank.

The bud was quite wet so over night I left the bag off and the next morning I put it back on. So for the next week I'll repeat this, one day on, one day off till she's dry enough to put into jars for curing.

Dry method #3 - Trim after harvest then Dry.


Theory here is if you want to dry your bud fast, trim it right away then hang it up to dry. I chose my junk bud for this method, lower branches, this is the bud I'll use to make BHO and hash from. So I don't care about taste or flavour.

After 5 days of drying the stem broke in half and the bud was extremely dry. I cut them off the main stem and put them into a freezer bag. After three days in the bag the outside bud is still dry and crispy so these guys are done.

Future Recommendations: For ease of trimming I'll trim ASAP after harvest. If I want to retain moisture for a longer period, hang them upside down in a plastic bag.

Next week I'll have the dry weight and a smoke report.

- SB -


Active Member
End of week 12, and everything is curing in jars now.

The plastic bag method worked great and after trim with the one day in the bag, next day off and so on got me till Wednesday before the bud was nice and dry. After one day in the jar they sponged up again so just doing the jar burping now for the next couple of weeks. I can tell after two days in the jar the smell is much better than the jar with the bud I didn't do the plastic bag method.

The dry weight of the entire harvest came in at 114g aka 4oz. Unbelievable.
  1. Junk bud : 49g
  2. Mid bud : 43g
  3. Main cola : 22g

Lessons Learned this grow

  • Purple strains don't always come out purple
  • Nutrient levels specified by Manuf. need to be cut back
  • LST main cola to same height as top branches. I didn't this time but better results showed in last grow
  • Easier to trim when leaves are not dry
  • When drying, use plastic bag over bud, takes twice as long but smell during cure is way better

Things I did better this grow
  • Controlled height of plant
  • No hermie, no exposure to light during night cycle
  • True Sensimilla
  • Didn't break one CFL bulb

Although I didn't get purple bud, this was still a great grow. I'll get BHO and regular hash from it plus still quite a bit for smoke.

I've got one plant growing again, bagseed from my WhiteWidow grow from last year. Don't know if female yet but if she is then I'll grow it out till June. Otherwise if male I'll chop and start a new grow starting in August and keep a full journal.

- SB -