silly idea keeping pests away...anyone tried this before?


Well-Known Member
Anyone ever use tight mesh nets(pantyhose etc) to completly cover your plants up?If so,did it work without hurting growth?


Well-Known Member
Some of the insects and pests we deal with won't be deterred by a pair of panty hose. Prevention is the key. Don't go cut your grass and come in and visit garden before showering and changing. Keep a clean grow room. If you have pets, be religious about their Advantix or insecticide applications.

You'll never come up with a mesh tight enough that won't restrict water, light and air , but will stop bugs.... The idea is to prevent conditions that favor bugs.


Active Member
Have you tried some cedar sticks in your pots or cedar pots?

Most insects leave cedar alone and wont go near it.


Active Member
Have you tried some cedar sticks in your pots or cedar pots?

Most insects leave cedar alone and wont go near it.
Have you tried it? It makes sense, but has it been tested? The cedar won't hurt the plant or roots? Just asking:leaf::leaf::leaf:


Well-Known Member
Have you tried it? It makes sense, but has it been tested? The cedar won't hurt the plant or roots? Just asking:leaf::leaf::leaf:
Cedar is an excellent pest deterrent. Hard to see how a natural wood could harm your plants, but who knows....


Well-Known Member
I HAVE SOME HOTSPOT STUFF for Mites and Bugs its meant for plants.. I just blasted my plants. Nothing Like a Nice Foliar Feed of Poison


Active Member
I haven't had pest issues so I have not tried it, but it is a proven insect deterrent.

It may not keep everything away, but as a natural remedy it is worth a try.