Silver Haze


Well-Known Member
Anyone know of a good site that hase Silver Haze... or better yet a reliable site that ships to the U.S. that specialises in diferent Haze strands???:joint:


Well-Known Member
Yea me too... do you think theres any sites that specialize in haze seeds only??? I mean theres like 100s of different types of haze...


Well-Known Member
i dont think that a seed website would specialize in haze only considering that there are so many diff types of weed and companies that make the seeds


Well-Known Member
yea but everyone likes haze... they would have all the haze market because that would be all they do... so they could do it the best...

the widowman

Well-Known Member
they ship to the U.S.A. just send euros in a envelope, or do a bank transfer and have your seeds in a week. if they do bank transfers then they accept U.S. dollars


Well-Known Member
they only deal in euros???
but with euros it seems soo cheap... and then its like 509353 times more...


Well-Known Member
I had the glory of trying some Silver haze for my first time just a few days ago. One hit was all I took but... I actually felt a bit of a buzz come over me from that one stinkin' lil hit. It was STANKIN up the room we were smoking in, the weed was almost tasteless though, and so SMOOTH!

Good choice there friend :)

I know this don't answer any of your questions, sorry lol, just chit chattin'


Well-Known Member
aww man the silver haze that I get its sooo gooood... I just bought a gram... mmmmmmm it is probably the best tasting weed... its side by side with sower diesel and ... ... ... nothing?


Well-Known Member
20 bucks :(... and now its gone... and the high is gone and the 20 is gone :( just the sweet memories...


New Member
Dont listen to dumb fuck...tehy dont ship to the usa or they would have money in US dollars...why would ANY american have fuckin euros?