Silver! Who Is On This Train?

the gas prices are on the rise and will set records which will cause people to nol onger afford their mortgages and another real estate crash ...the banks fail again....Government goes broke ON PURPOSE

metals other than LEAD are worthless....Carne has it right...AGAIN

trading in gold, silver, ect. is only profitable if you have the ability to invest a large amount of money into it and have someone who knows a significant amount about the market and where it's going to go. It's pretty useless for avg joe. Most people will see more profits from penny trades or putting your money in the hands of a large investment group. I've personally had constant gains every year from my investments and I've never had to do a thing. Just put in money when ever I have a couple bucks sitting around and check the account every few weeks to see how much I've made. The worst my account has ever done was a 1.2% gain back in '03 and it's been up and up since then. Posted 29.4% gains last year.

sorry just have to call bullshit on this...
29.4% gain is ridiculous and no financial manager has these kind of returns except the ones that scam people. any 101 business course in college teaches this and I am an applied math major working as an actuarial analyst. i don't understand why others online feel the need to embellish everything about themselves and half of it is clearly fake
I buy every month regardless of price. Cost Averaging method. I try to spend $400-800 every month and have been doing this for the past 30 months after myfirst large initial purchase. Made a shit ton on Canadian junior mining stocks in the last 6 months. One of my Junior Silver Miners split 20 to 1 and then went on to gain 1,200% making my initial $300 investment worth $72,000 when I sold it. Since it was Canadian when I went to convert the cash to American I got the added bonus of 4% due to the weaker dollar.

If I were Japan and I had $1 trillion in US Treasuries sitting around I think i would sell those first before diggin into the rainy day fund.

Once again it seems I need to hammer some logistics into people who apparently like to lie:
Commodity rise and fall very slowly, so saying you made %1200 on silver is false. Oh and I just looked up canadian silver values on wolfram's mathematica for the last 150 years so if you invested that 300 dollars back in 1869, then sure, you might have made a total of 45,672.22 depending on which mine you chose.
my father has been working as a successful financial analyst for a while and only once in his life has he made more than 300% on his returns for any given stock, option, put, etc. and that was back in the 1990's when the biotech industry blossomed.

lies lies lies, i dont understand why people are so dishonest.
and the funniest line of them all:
"I buy every month regardless of price. Cost Averaging method."

Thats a pretty dumb method. If I ran a investment group like that I would be glad to break even let alone make ur supposed 1200% over stocks that have this headline in the news right now "But the best-managed junior gold mining fund in Canada is down more 20% from its all-time high.”

Oh and conversion from american to canadian dollars would require a fine from any bank. That and the fact that over this 6 months period the monetary ratio between the canadian and us dollar moved about .8, so what you mean to say is that you lost 4% right?

I could go on and on about some clowns here
Once again it seems I need to hammer some logistics into people who apparently like to lie:
Commodity rise and fall very slowly, so saying you made %1200 on silver is false. Oh and I just looked up canadian silver values on wolfram's mathematica for the last 150 years so if you invested that 300 dollars back in 1869, then sure, you might have made a total of 45,672.22 depending on which mine you chose.
my father has been working as a successful financial analyst for a while and only once in his life has he made more than 300% on his returns for any given stock, option, put, etc. and that was back in the 1990's when the biotech industry blossomed.

lies lies lies, i dont understand why people are so dishonest.
and the funniest line of them all:
"I buy every month regardless of price. Cost Averaging method."

Thats a pretty dumb method. If I ran a investment group like that I would be glad to break even let alone make ur supposed 1200% over stocks that have this headline in the news right now "But the best-managed junior gold mining fund in Canada is down more 20% from its all-time high.”

Oh and conversion from american to canadian dollars would require a fine from any bank. That and the fact that over this 6 months period the monetary ratio between the canadian and us dollar moved about .8, so what you mean to say is that you lost 4% right?

I could go on and on about some clowns here
As far as the Cost averaging method, I am not purchasing stocks , I am purchasing physical silver. I would have to agree that buying stocks averaging the cost would be pretty stupid.

If commodities rise so very slowly why has my gold gone up 500% in 10 years, Why has my silver gone up 900% in the same period? why has silver made 100% gains in the last 10 months?

Guess what? You can do currency exchanges on a E-trade account with no penalty or conversion fee. You would never pay a fine as you like to call it, a fine is for when you have committed a misdemeanor or broken a rule of some kind.

Here is the value of a US Dollar in Canadian.
6 months ago a US dollar was worth $1.02 in Canadian. today a US Dollar is worth $.96. a difference of almost 8% ( It went down the last couple days). I think you are misreading the Forex chart and have it backwards.

Price of SLW When I purchased it after the crash. I got in at $4.65. today my SLW is worth $44.11. 946% gain. And that is just one example. Try one of the Penny stocks, I made even more on some of them. EPL was at $.07 when I purchased, sold at $1.11 that's a 1,546% gain.

You only need a few big winners to make all your losers fade away.

But hey, you are sure to gain plenty of respect and friends that adore you if you just call everyone who has done well for himself a liar.

Did a search......
No results found for But the best-managed junior gold mining fund in Canada is down more 20% from its all-time high. So pray tell, what is the best managed junior mining FUND in Canada?

FYI A Fund is not a stock. I do not invest in funds. Diversification is a sure way to the poor house.

in 1986 if you had spent $106 on Microsoft stock and held that stock for exactly 20 years know how much it would be worth? $1, 472,000

So what is stopping you from getting in now at $41?

FYI ETF Silver is only paper silver, you don't actually own any silver and can never take delivery.
If you have money the best option is to take a futures contract and demand delivery, the future price is lower than the current price and most people who are involved never get silver, they only have it on paper, it is when you have the actual silver that matters and the more people who realize this and take delivery the higher the price will go
If you have money the best option is to take a futures contract and demand delivery, the future price is lower than the current price and most people who are involved never get silver, they only have it on paper, it is when you have the actual silver that matters and the more people who realize this and take delivery the higher the price will go
You cannot demand delivery, the only people who can demand delivery are those that have at least 1,000 contracts. Read the prospectus. 1,000 contracts is 7 million ounces of silver, each contract is 7,000 ounces.
You cannot demand delivery, the only people who can demand delivery are those that have at least 1,000 contracts. Read the prospectus. 1,000 contracts is 7 million ounces of silver, each contract is 7,000 ounces.
Like I said...If you have the money. I'm thinking it wouldn't be to hard to get together groups of 5,000 investors with 60,000$ each to start taking delivery....and everyone will already have turned profit by the time the silver arrives.....unbeatable
Shit I got in at about $17. an oz and started buying 100 oz bars. And Silver eagles. By the roll (of 20)
silver is outperforming gold by a mile.
Buy silver etf's but you'll still paymincome tax on it.
Buy bullion in ur own country. Call around. Get prices and get in. Youll kick yourself if u don't. So wit if u only make a buck instead of two. If u figure into equation the inflation that eats away at ur currencies value then u come out a winner.
Most major corporations and even small business (in my area at least) are all starting to hire again, I fail to see your logic behind this new depression. Home Depot is hiring like 23,000 seasonal workers, Kmart and Walmart both just announced plans to hire thousands, Kraft is expanding, AMD and Intel are both expanding operations within the US.

The only markets still hurting are those being kept alive by union workers because unions ask for ridiculous wages and cant afford to operate any more. The only thing I see happening in the near future is the death of unions.


especially on the union issue.
the unions have turned into top heavy overhead eating nightmares where seniority determines whether or not you get a job, not experience nor ability.

Less than .2% of the Worlds population invests in silver, lots of room for growth! The last time Silver was in this price range, people in Russia nor China could invest in silver, there is a huge run up that has yet to materialize. When you see prices going up $5 a day , then start worrying about getting out, until then enjoy the ride and hope that they can bring the price down again so we can all buy more.