Well-Known Member
Clarifying your butter prior to infusion prolongs the shelf life of the butter. When clarifying, we are removing the undesolved milk solids and water. Both of these impurities cause the butter to spoil or go rancid. Add tiny particles of cannabis flower in the mix, and you have a rotten grass in the lawnmower bag that your son didn't empty last time he "mowed" the lawn kind of smell.
Traditionally, the butter is either cooked off until the milk solids become golden brown and can be skimmed off the surface. Or the water is boiled off and the solids are strained through a cheese cloth or nut milk bag. Both very messy and time consuming. Some of your butter is lost before you even begin.
Stupid, messy, time consuming, bullshit problems deserve a modern and easy solution. Making edibles is messy enough. My solution, a pipette. Melt the butter in a pot, to just melted. Keep the heat on warm and let it sit. The butter will separate from the water and milk solids.

Squeeze some air out of the pipette and plunge him into the milk slush promise land. Keep the dropper to the bottom of the pot and slurp away like a fat kid at an amusement park tongue slapping his lips while grandma scoots over on her rascal with a hot fudge Sunday funnel cake. I know you see him in your head. All hunched over, arms out wide, crappy (sports team) button down jacket that used to fit 40 lbs ago lifting up just enough so his massive ass crack is partially exposed right on some little kids face who let's go of his balloon from shock... then begins to weep. I'm right there with ya

The water and milk solids will come right out. Near the end, you'll inevitably suck up some butter. But if you hold the pipette vertically, the butter will float to the top and you can ditch the rest down the sink. Then shoot your warm butter right back into that filthy pot.

A perfect pot of prepared people pleasing base mix. Decarb 10g herb per stick of butter at 240 for 30-40 minutes, or don't it's your circus, and infuse at 180 overnight.
Hope this saves some cheese cloth
Stay green everybody!
Traditionally, the butter is either cooked off until the milk solids become golden brown and can be skimmed off the surface. Or the water is boiled off and the solids are strained through a cheese cloth or nut milk bag. Both very messy and time consuming. Some of your butter is lost before you even begin.
Stupid, messy, time consuming, bullshit problems deserve a modern and easy solution. Making edibles is messy enough. My solution, a pipette. Melt the butter in a pot, to just melted. Keep the heat on warm and let it sit. The butter will separate from the water and milk solids.

Squeeze some air out of the pipette and plunge him into the milk slush promise land. Keep the dropper to the bottom of the pot and slurp away like a fat kid at an amusement park tongue slapping his lips while grandma scoots over on her rascal with a hot fudge Sunday funnel cake. I know you see him in your head. All hunched over, arms out wide, crappy (sports team) button down jacket that used to fit 40 lbs ago lifting up just enough so his massive ass crack is partially exposed right on some little kids face who let's go of his balloon from shock... then begins to weep. I'm right there with ya

The water and milk solids will come right out. Near the end, you'll inevitably suck up some butter. But if you hold the pipette vertically, the butter will float to the top and you can ditch the rest down the sink. Then shoot your warm butter right back into that filthy pot.

A perfect pot of prepared people pleasing base mix. Decarb 10g herb per stick of butter at 240 for 30-40 minutes, or don't it's your circus, and infuse at 180 overnight.
Hope this saves some cheese cloth
Stay green everybody!