Simple solution for spidermites, whiteflies, aphids, caterpillars and other pests


Well-Known Member
Just found this online, and since spidermites seem to be quite an annoyance with marijuana plants I thought I'd post it here. I have not tried it myself so I cannot confirm its effectiveness, if someone tries it and finds it effective just let us know :D

Combine one teaspoon of hot pepper or tobasco sauce, 4 cloves of garlic and a quart of water. Blend well in a blender and strain, with cheesecloth or nylon mesh before placing in your sprayer. This will repel many insects including whiteflies, ahpids, spidermites and caterpillars.


Well-Known Member
Well, I'm no expert so don't take my word on this, but since marijuana loved acidity and you'll just be spraying until you get rid of the pests I don't think it'll hurt her much. As for the taste, I have no idea :peace:


Active Member
Thank you for the info, although roaches from neighbors house has intruded in my garden and are eating my plants.


has anyone tried this yet iv heard of certain peppers stoppin mites but i was wondering if regular ground black pepper in water would kill the Lil shits if not ill have to get some neem oil