Simple Weed Tea!!!!!!!!(in the microwave)

Leilani Garden

Well-Known Member
Is there anyway to make this without milk? Im not much of a fan.
You'd need something that contains fat, since the active ingredients are fat soluable. That's why one person up the thread was talking about adding butter. I don't know what you could use for a drink other than a fatty dairy product, though.


Well-Known Member
You'd need something that contains fat, since the active ingredients are fat soluable. That's why one person up the thread was talking about adding butter. I don't know what you could use for a drink other than a fatty dairy product, though.
Alright thanks! I guess ill just have to give it a try with the milk.

Leilani Garden

Well-Known Member
Why not try some heavy whipping cream, add some sugar and vanilla extract or better yet, fresh vanilla beans. I did this and used some Yogi tea, and it was really, really nice. Not like milk at all. More like . . . kind of like the fancy coffee drinks at starbucks? The tea that you use will help a lot. But I'm thinking if you like ice cream, sweetened whipping cream with that vanilla will rock your boat!


Well-Known Member
Why not try some heavy whipping cream, add some sugar and vanilla extract or better yet, fresh vanilla beans. I did this and used some Yogi tea, and it was really, really nice. Not like milk at all. More like . . . kind of like the fancy coffee drinks at Starbucks? The tea that you use will help a lot. But I'm thinking if you like ice cream, sweetened whipping cream with that vanilla will rock your boat!
that sounded so good


Well-Known Member
Why not try some heavy whipping cream, add some sugar and vanilla extract or better yet, fresh vanilla beans. I did this and used some Yogi tea, and it was really, really nice. Not like milk at all. More like . . . kind of like the fancy coffee drinks at starbucks? The tea that you use will help a lot. But I'm thinking if you like ice cream, sweetened whipping cream with that vanilla will rock your boat!
Definatly gona give that a try! :weed:

Leilani Garden

Well-Known Member
that sounded soooooooooooo good
Hey, you know what might be interesting too? If you whip the cream and fold it in. I don't know if it would hold up to the heat, however, so maybe fold in some that you've freshly whipped? I'd leave it at room temperature and perhaps even add some confectioner's sugar to it.

I might have to try that.

I'm also wondering if it's possible to make something akin to creme brulee with this. A custard base, if you used enough cream, could be really fun and interesting. Then go ahead and get out your kitchen torch and torch the top? Add some berries in the bottom of the custard? Anyone have any ideas about how much cream you'd need to add to the eggs to get that to work? Would it work?

Were we talking about tea? Eeek, sorry to highjack the thread! Mea culpa!
when you ingest it through the stomache it takes longer (15 minutes or so to feel effects), but it last longer than if it was smoked. When ingested through tea, you may by high for an hour and a half to two hours vs smoking. But this all depends on how strong the tea is, etc, etc..

*edit* i thought the guy above was asking how long is lasted...... My bad lol I'll go back to smokin my nightly j and watching superjail lol..
Hey thanks for the info anyway...I thought it said the same thing! And then I started to wonder myself...yeah how long? So thanks for the answer...I am gonna have to try this~sounds good.:peace:

Pyro Peaches

Well-Known Member
Just looked at another recipe for tea and it took WAY too long to make lol. This one is much simpler. THANK YOU! lol
I can't wait to try it! :D


Active Member
Just looked at another recipe for tea and it took WAY too long to make lol. This one is much simpler. THANK YOU! lol
I can't wait to try it! :D
Instead of tea, I make chocolate milk. Simmer the weed with the milk, put in the fridge to chill, then add chocolate mix.... I can hardly taste the weed.
Can someone whose had luck with this post some quantities? I just tried it and I think I had to much milk or water or something. I got an extremely weak buzz for about 25 min and a fresh fat nug was sacrificed for the sake of experimenting (Though I am trying to dry it for smoke, thats a whole different experiment lol):shock:


I made some this evening; slight variation of the author's suggestion, tho -

First, I used exactly 1 gram for exactly two cups of tea. Second, instead of the microwave: I boiled three *cups of water (to account for evaporation), one *cup of half and half, two tablespoons of sugar, and one gram of MJ and brought to a boil. Then, I let cool, poured into tea cups. I topped the cups off with sprinkles of cinnamon and nutmeg.

Tastes ridiculously good. I can feel it too... however, I am a light weight... but for me, great stuff.

*cup = one tea cup. I didn't use a measuring cup for measurements...
I've been making some really good tea from a recipe I found.

Disclaimer----I eyeball all my measurements!!! Sorry!!!!!

First I take whatever buds, stems, etc I'm going to be using and grind them up in a grinder. Then I open a tea bag and pour the contents out and replace it with the ground up weed. Then re-staple the bag shut and put it in a pot of water with some butter (not margarine!). Bring it to a boil and the let it simmer.

After it's been simmering for about an hour or so I add a regular tea bag (any flavor you want really), about a cup or two of whole milk, cinnamon, and sugar. Bring that back to a boil and then let simmer for 15 minutes or so. Then I add some vanilla and let it boil for about 30 seconds or so (constantly stirring) and then it's done! Add to a large mug or two and grate some fresh nutmeg over it.

Taste amazing (no bud flavor at all!) and seriously fucks you up! Drank a glass last time before I went to Disneyland and had the time of my life!

Sorry about not having any exact measurements but it's cooking not rocket science. :)


sounds really good i think imma try this way it sounds a lil better to me than the other ways in this thread