SIMPSONSAMPSONs soon-to-be-but-not-quite-there-but-will-be-soon 4000w journal


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
clean looking setup bro. i see buds a drying in that pic. thats how i dry hanging above my flower room light.


Well-Known Member
clean looking setup bro. i see buds a drying in that pic. thats how i dry hanging above my flower room light.
yea i cleaned it up a little bit.. i enforced all the seals with guerialla tape instead of the duct tape... duct tape is shit compared to the guerialla... bleached it down and everything.. pretty much the hydro was to keep things cleaner for me...

so you think they are ok drying above the lights?? i was gonna move them but if they will be ok might just leave them.. they are back on all the time again so it prolly is a good idea to move them huh??

something like this???

ive been to a wormsway in kentucky
exactly like that!

i get all my stuff from worms way.. i love it there.. its about a 2 hour drive for me to get to the one in indiana from where i live.. but its worth the trip... the people there are smart as hell.. its REALLY obvious when you talk to them they all grow buds... hell a couple of them even had to correct themselves about what kind of plants they had... one guy was telling me how his "pot...ted plants love" the floros i am using.. he turned RED as fuck... then there was an old hippie kinda guy who straight up emphasized how all his special plants love and then went on to tell me something.. fuck i forget.. i tried to explain the stuff i was getting was just for vegetables for me and my family tho.. but they recommended the same stuff either way...


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
yea i cleaned it up a little bit.. i enforced all the seals with guerialla tape instead of the duct tape... duct tape is shit compared to the guerialla... bleached it down and everything.. pretty much the hydro was to keep things cleaner for me...

so you think they are ok drying above the lights?? i was gonna move them but if they will be ok might just leave them.. they are back on all the time again so it prolly is a good idea to move them huh??

exactly like that!

i get all my stuff from worms way.. i love it there.. its about a 2 hour drive for me to get to the one in indiana from where i live.. but its worth the trip... the people there are smart as hell.. its REALLY obvious when you talk to them they all grow buds... hell a couple of them even had to correct themselves about what kind of plants they had... one guy was telling me how his "pot...ted plants love" the floros i am using.. he turned RED as fuck... then there was an old hippie kinda guy who straight up emphasized how all his special plants love and then went on to tell me something.. fuck i forget.. i tried to explain the stuff i was getting was just for vegetables for me and my family tho.. but they recommended the same stuff either way...
thats great hanging their. i hang mine in my flower room just below the celling for 4 days then its off the stick and into the paper bag for a day then into a glass jar..... back and forth from bag to jar tilldry


Well-Known Member
thats great hanging their. i hang mine in my flower room just below the celling for 4 days then its off the stick and into the paper bag for a day then into a glass jar..... back and forth from bag to jar tilldry
you know what REALLY sucks.. i cant even use glass jars right now... yeah.. somehow in the rush of things i forgot to check on my stash of jars.. i have about 4 or 5 jars for my own... but not enough for the other... and right now i am FLAT broke... in fact last night i gave the pizza man his tip in quarters... had to make my house payment and that pretty much wiped me clean.. so looks like paper bags it is.. LOL oh well.. like i said.. mine will be good.. and its not like the rest of the buds will be bad.. just not as good.. and its only this one bumper crop... i hope... crossing my fingers still...


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
you know what REALLY sucks.. i cant even use glass jars right now... yeah.. somehow in the rush of things i forgot to check on my stash of jars.. i have about 4 or 5 jars for my own... but not enough for the other... and right now i am FLAT broke... in fact last night i gave the pizza man his tip in quarters... had to make my house payment and that pretty much wiped me clean.. so looks like paper bags it is.. LOL oh well.. like i said.. mine will be good.. and its not like the rest of the buds will be bad.. just not as good.. and its only this one bumper crop... i hope... crossing my fingers still...
shit i don't no my pizza guy but i always ask do youself medicate, most of the time they say yes so my money stays in my pocket and tip them something WAY better....... i get my 1 gallon jars from walmart. $5 each


Well-Known Member
i feel u ss im flat broke too..hard to make improvements when $$ Is upsidedown ... soon enought i said im locked out except for making the repairs here at home that i can for a week or so... u might be up and running be4 me..cept im coming with some monster clones st8 in2 flower... tryn to figure who many ill run in ea room.. legal # still sittn at 30 in all..


New Member
you know what REALLY sucks.. i cant even use glass jars right now... yeah.. somehow in the rush of things i forgot to check on my stash of jars.. i have about 4 or 5 jars for my own... but not enough for the other... and right now i am FLAT broke... in fact last night i gave the pizza man his tip in quarters... had to make my house payment and that pretty much wiped me clean.. so looks like paper bags it is.. LOL oh well.. like i said.. mine will be good.. and its not like the rest of the buds will be bad.. just not as good.. and its only this one bumper crop... i hope... crossing my fingers still...

as long as your personal is good and cured! im sure its all gonna be dank, should be dry this week right? ive never had my own harvest so i couldnt say but everyone i know and help keep it in a DARK closet or room, something with lots of air movement and sometimes even puts the ac on for all the nugs, idk though im still learning the ropes, you could prob use like a rubbermaid container with a lid to cure if u have some laying around the pad...just a thought


Well-Known Member does this happen? Thousands in weed (almost) and we end up with no smoke and no money. I need a bigger crop...

That new set up looks great....Your running the flourousents for one more run?

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
:hump:LOL ! just think of it this way,.......... when you have money and no weed, are you happy? now when you have no money but weed, aren't you still the most happiest guy in the world?? hahahaha I feel you bro., I think we all feel you.. times is rough, good thing "maryjane shes my best friend, she always been good to me...she come and take all me troubles away..."


New Member
:hump:LOL ! just think of it this way,.......... when you have money and no weed, are you happy? now when you have no money but weed, aren't you still the most happiest guy in the world?? hahahaha I feel you bro., I think we all feel you.. times is rough, good thing "maryjane shes my best friend, she always been good to me...she come and take all me troubles away..."
:bigjoint:TRUE TRUE:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
:hump:LOL ! just think of it this way,.......... when you have money and no weed, are you happy? now when you have no money but weed, aren't you still the most happiest guy in the world?? hahahaha I feel you bro., I think we all feel you.. times is rough, good thing "maryjane shes my best friend, she always been good to me...she come and take all me troubles away..."

I definatly agree. I cant say drugs are bad...drugs have always been good to me..:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
shit i don't no my pizza guy but i always ask do youself medicate, most of the time they say yes so my money stays in my pocket and tip them something WAY better....... i get my 1 gallon jars from walmart. $5 each
i had a bunch at one point.. just lost them over time.. have to replace them tho and soon!!

i feel u ss im flat broke too..hard to make improvements when $$ Is upsidedown ... soon enought i said im locked out except for making the repairs here at home that i can for a week or so... u might be up and running be4 me..cept im coming with some monster clones st8 in2 flower... tryn to figure who many ill run in ea room.. legal # still sittn at 30 in all..
even if i start sooner, if you get those monsters into flower youll end up months ahead of the curve! wish i could get 1 foot clones myself... that would be the shit!

as long as your personal is good and cured! im sure its all gonna be dank, should be dry this week right? ive never had my own harvest so i couldnt say but everyone i know and help keep it in a DARK closet or room, something with lots of air movement and sometimes even puts the ac on for all the nugs, idk though im still learning the ropes, you could prob use like a rubbermaid container with a lid to cure if u have some laying around the pad...just a thought
normally dark and cool are my thing.. but this seems to work great.. they are dry already.. the smoke GREAT!! been high as fuck all day from it.. NOT harsh at all... still gonna cure them for a few days just to finish them out right.. but it didnt seem to affect them badly at all..

i did have some plastic containers i used with lids.. but i had to use the container part as a drain tray for the pots this last grow.. so they are fucked.. dont want to use them for anything anymore... does this happen? Thousands in weed (almost) and we end up with no smoke and no money. I need a bigger crop...

That new set up looks great....Your running the flourousents for one more run?
thats true... its just a lesser of 2 evils tho.. i can be a little pissed off for a few months if it means never having to worry about money or weed again... i will keep back a couple ounces for myself for sure.. unless those 2 ounces are the key to finishing out my expansion.. basically if i fall short of my goal then i wont spend much on anything but bills and just have some fire smoke for the next few months.. either way.. i guess i can be happy..

:hump:LOL ! just think of it this way,.......... when you have money and no weed, are you happy? now when you have no money but weed, aren't you still the most happiest guy in the world?? hahahaha I feel you bro., I think we all feel you.. times is rough, good thing "maryjane shes my best friend, she always been good to me...she come and take all me troubles away..."
mary jane is the only girl i have ever met that has never done me wrong.. :) she keeps me sane for sure

I definatly agree. I cant say drugs are bad...drugs have always been good to me..:bigjoint:
drugs?? where?? LOL bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
oh.. and also the floros as a standard as my veg lights.... but i can use them for flowering too if i need to run one more harvest on just the one side...


New Member
as long as there not harsh i dont see anything wrong with drying them up there! probally will just dry a bit quicker but o well, thats just how much sooner you'll have ur cash!


Well-Known Member
ley me throw a question out there to you guys, it is my understanding that during the 12 hour dark cycle the plant isnt really doing much. i just read a thread about going 14 hours dark 12 hours light. they were saying that the bud production is done at night. now im confused.


Well-Known Member
ya my shits about there 2..i took all the widow off the stem...and the blueberry, both very smokable.. 6zips on the ww..1.5 on the blueberry.. all jared up..and some random contaniers that ill burp often.. still got 3blueheavens bigbud..and hdf to take down..2morrow and can them with the finished wieghts..made a lil $ another 1000watter up. shits getting there..


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you got your next crop lined up and you get to use your new toys on your girls..Just started my 12 on 12 off I will keep them off for 36 hrs Have you done this before? :bigjoint: