Since the stems / fan leaves close to the bud have trichomes of resin on them - can

they be used as well as only the bud when making medical cannabis butter....?..... Also, is the reason one waits till bud has been cured/dried just so it can be smoked smoothly....?..... If this is so, would you then have to wait if your only going to make butter and not smoke...?....


Well-Known Member
...i personally make my hash and butter from my trim which also includes all the popcorn buds, and trim i just let dry, ...i will say though that you should let even trim 'mature' after drying for several weeks before you use it to make either butter or hash.

...think of it like wine because allowing your bud to cure properly makes for a much more complex buzz and flavor, ...if you let it dry too quickly it doesn't give the chlorophyll time to break down so when you smoke it it taste's like hay and is harsh as hell.

...there are dozens of threads on this topic that go into much more detail if you are so inclined.

peace, bozo


Active Member
they be used as well as only the bud when making medical cannabis butter....?..... Also, is the reason one waits till bud has been cured/dried just so it can be smoked smoothly....?..... If this is so, would you then have to wait if your only going to make butter and not smoke...?....
I've used wet trim and dry trim and honestly have noticed no difference at all when it comes to the strength or taste of the butter. The only thing I don't put in are the stems and branches, all other plant material is mulched up small and boiled with the butter and water for 6 hours (refilling water as necessary) so that all the crap and chlorophyll in the plant has a chance to boil away and all your left with is some green butter that is magically delicious.