Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
So it's reached that point where I can journal it up, finally. Got a few mums growing while I finish the last off my Tahoe run, going to keep this one STRICTLY LVBK though as there is enough info on Tahoe around.

Mums are currently under 400watt MH. Right now they're in coco, but as I clone off them I will be replacing the 'hydro' mums with their children in organic dirt-bags. Seeing as I keep a LOT of mums at all times, I am not too concerned about the growth rate, but I do want my clones as healthy as they can possibly be.

For flowering I've got my home-made rig, hoods and flood tables are DIY so excuse the hillbilly look about those lol. I will be replacing the gullwings with cool tubes in about 4 months when it gets too warm, right now I can really use the heat coming off them. So that's two 70 by 120cm flood tables and two 600w HPS fixtures.

I've got another table and 600w HPS on stand-by, but I am thinking of running some ORGANIC bags right next to the hydro SOG. That should be very interesting indeed.

Then there's the clone box, heat controlled fixed temp at 77F, works like a charm.

So some pics of the mums, the flowering room as it's getting cleaned and the clone box, which I'm actually pretty proud of. Copied Al B. Fuct's idea. It really does WORK.

Oh and the one mum is in a DWC bucket, my first ever. So far, I really dig it. Roots are barrelling ahead at a crazy rate, the plant herself seems to be just gathering energy, it's all roots no shoots. And that is a good thing methinks.

The next few weeks are going to ROCK.



Well-Known Member
It all sounds nice bro. It's really cool to hear you so geared about organics, I really think you'll dig it alot. I know exactly what you mean about the soils smell, and all. I really like the way the soil smells too, but when you first put the soil, and amendments together they smell like crap I think. I like how you have alot of different ways of growing. D.W.C., ebb n flow, and now organic soil. You have to be happy about all the knowledge you have to run all those different styles of growing. If you have any questions bro you know where to go. Peace out.


Well-Known Member
I love it. I can't wait to watch this run. I hear only dank things about Sincity. I am jealous it is cold there. I love cold best. Things look nice. Healthy looking plants with big leaves. Good vibes for a great grow from Northern New England.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Thanks for dropping by guys!

Myco, my decision to try all thee different ways of growing stems from seeing fabulous results with each one. There are some mind-blowing threads on RIU and I decided to test as many ways as possible to see how they suit me personally, all the info and support I could dream about can be found on threads I am subscribed to. The only one still missing is NFT, this guy Skunkd0c grows the most unreal Sativas in NFT HUGE trained plants, some of them need 3 600w HPS lamps for ONE plant. And to make matters even more interesting the Hempy style just came onto my radar too. It looks like a great way to go outdoors as well as indoors, so I will be doing my first passive hydroponic systems OUTDOORS this summer. Going to bury pretty much the whole bucket to keep them cool, what I want to do is build up a raised bed around them and have the drainage piped from the pot, through under the soil so I can still monitor run-off, I think it will work. Could be just what the guerilla grower needs ;)

But yes, I am already quite sold on organics for indoor growing. What I can't wait to do is start running the third table as an organic one, side by side with the ebb and flow. When it gets there it will be pretty exciting:)

Gandalf, you saying they look good has gotten me to relax now lol. Been a helicopter parent since the pH thing, really stressed me out that did.

Have an EXCELLENT weekend guys,

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Well I reckoned I should chuck some random bud-porn in here lol. Been a topic I've chatted about on a few threads just posted these pics to another one... These are all either Transkei or Swazi crosses. I love showing what African landraces can do once you combine them with something else....

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Quick update: Some of the girls are really exploding with fresh growth today. I can also tell it's time to up the feeding a little. They're getting quite hungry now, upping the EC to a fat 1.8 for the next feed. Getting nice and bushy after being topped. Almost time to name them. I think I'll name them after girls on RIU this time lol.

About the food I am using, right now they're all still hydro so regular feeds are a must. Mums are in pots with about 50 percent coco PYTH 50 percent rough Leca, the uncoated one that's all full of bubbles and cracks. I don't use perlite, it turns everything into waste I can't recucle, whereas saving the Leca is a matter of some good screens to chuck the substrate through...

I use a 3-part feed developed by a chemical engineer and my growing goods supplier. Similar to GHE's line, aside from that it actually WORKS. The guys analyzed GHE's line and found that a- They use cheap ingredients, making the nutrients hard to take up and b- They kinda lie about what's in there so you have to buy all the extras.

The stuff I'm using gets me the same EC as GHE with almost HALF the amount of concentrate added. Powerful stuff. And I've stopped having to use all sorts of additives in the Coco pots too. Given that the price is also HALF of GHE roughly, I'm paying a quarter of what I used to on hydro nutes. Only available in South Africa, but I guess he'll ship overseas.

This is his line:


Well-Known Member
I've always wanted to visit South Africa, and with images of that bud porn you just posted, I really want to go now. One of my professors here in the states is trying to get a fellowship there to do some social/political history research. Sounds awesome. Lots of history to explore. Cheers.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
I've always wanted to visit South Africa, and with images of that bud porn you just posted, I really want to go now. One of my professors here in the states is trying to get a fellowship there to do some social/political history research. Sounds awesome. Lots of history to explore. Cheers.
If you ever come over I'll tell you exactly where to go, and when too. Harvest season starts end March for the early bud, and the last comes in in June. If you time your visit to the Transkei just right, you'll get some rain... That means MUSHROOMS. FIELDS of MUSHROOMS. You can walk around on all fours eating them off the ground like a cow if you want.
Kids will approach you on the beach selling fresh ones... A t-shirt full can cost you about R100, that's like USD10 or so. For a SHIRTFULL. Kid you not lol...

If you just come over without any knowledge odds are the only bus you'll find is either bad bush-weed or Cheese. I'll write you a little guide ;)

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
So, I added a little extra 6-inch passive inlet to the room. I was hoping to drop temps by around 3 degrees C... Ended up dropping them about 6 LOL...
So now I find I can tweak temps by adding layers of stocking to the vent or removing them, tweaking the speed at which air gets sucked in. Come summer I'm going to turn it into an ACTIVE inlet and run it straight to my hoods and back out. The last tweaks are always what make the biggest difference :)

Mommy tent is TOO full, they're not enjoying the competition right now. That's fine, I can live without a shower for a few months! So today is 'convert the bathroom again' day. Wife's gonna dislike it intensely but she tokes as much as I do, so convincing her of how essential it is won't be too difficult.

I want to end up running just my two favourites in the end. Looks like I'll be taking cuts off the biggest mom today or tomorrow so we'll see what she can do very, very soon...


Well-Known Member
Good luck, Hamish. Those women love the bathroom.LOL

You got a good idea with just keeping two strains. One sativa, one indica. Daytime and nighttime smoke.

I'll be watching them LVBK, hoping yours turns out bomb.

PS. Subbed it. Big Ham!

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Well at least we have a spare bathroom but there's no shower in there lol... And no power close enough to it either. I actually don't quite know what I'm going to do with all the clones eventually. Probably flood the back garden with dank, we'll see...

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
So I cut the first batch of clones off the LVBK. 10 of them were the fastest mom that got chopped down to just her top, the mum herself is now going into 12/12 immediately. I decided to do this because I have a LOT of other girls to test before I find the phenos I am going to run with all the way. Her strongest two babies will replace her, the rest go into the 'flow table as soon as they are rooted. A pic of the clones, and one of mummy dearest too. Sorry about the weird colouring on the pic of the mom but I took that under HPS as an afterthought as I was leaving the lab...

I also took clones off an the OGK looking pheno, only two though but I already like her a lot. She's just on a whole other level, parts of the 'palm' of her leaves are WHITE. 8-week old vegging plant. My gods.

Sure have my hands full hunting the phenos lol... Now to ponder why I popped more beans. I guess because it ROCKS lol.



Well-Known Member
Looks great bro. Those clones are healthy. I hope you find the phenos. BTW...our little hydro project is kicking ass.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Looks great bro. Those clones are healthy. I hope you find the phenos. BTW...our little hydro project is kicking ass.
Really? NICE!! Well then it's time for me to set up the third 'flow table again. This should get really interesting, going to run the hydro and organic hydro next to each other, in step and in time all the way. I am really happy that you're taking it on and giving it the test treatment, I've really been looking for an Organic Guru for a long time and you are that man, Sir!
It really is super exciting. As far as my knowledge goes, the second I set it up I will be pioneering organic hydro in my country, being a place with ample sun even in winter we are slow adapters to new indoor technologies and methods but I'm going for it 100 percent full power.
So I guess I should start on preparing a nice range of teas and getting them filtered and sediment free, so I'd say I'm looking at two weeks or so before I've got everything I need to take this on with. I can feel my pockets thanking me already, I am enjoying gaining independence from bottled nutes and prepared powders. The less I need to depend on products made by third parties the better :)

You know how sometimes you look at a plant and you just KNOW, you kinda bond instantly to a deeper level?... I think I found my girls, two of the smaller mums are so deep in my mind I am dreaming about them every night. A leggy OGK looking pheno I already know is not going to yield much but I know she will be STRONG medicine, and a fat, stocky, perfect Bubba looking one. Both are frosting to the level that some of the fans' palms are now DRIPPING with trichs...

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Clones are looking very solid. Cutting the rockwool into double-size cubes is easing the watering a lot too. I think I found the idea balance for the clone box now :) Looks like a full first run of 9 girls entering the rotation in a week or what, holding thumbs :) And a few more to test phenos I hope, don't want to mess with the schedule and space too much, trying to work in 3's at the most complex, ideally always 9 girls at a time.

Mums got a last top today, any more after this and they might get a touch too bushy, I'll let the winning moms bush out all they want but that's when we get there...

Really digging the DWC. Healthy roots pretty fast, putting a pic of week-old growth and a little peek at the mums... Got that thing bubbling like mad it's pretty awesome to look at lol.


Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Oh forgot to add, you'll see some 'burned' edges on the one mom... I'm so embarrassed, I got clumsy during transplant, poor thing did NOT like it, she got dropped and the root-ball kinda plopped open a bit. Responding to gentle feeds and the mycos really well, only one set of leaves showed me she was pissed off.

Oh and they like the feeds at an EC of 1.8, going deeper green every day. Heavy feeders!


Well-Known Member
Nice mad ham just got some lvbk to well there on there way, had 2 sinmints and a tangerinepower, the tangerinepower and 1 of the sinmints went hermi on me a week into flower, i think it was all my fault though, it got real hot for a week or two straight heatwave, got up to 90 in the growbox, also a traingday hermed to, but still got one sinmint left, im think about crossing a good dad from the lvbk with a jillybean or maybe a kosherkush idk, im subbed cant wait to see what that lvbk will do