Single Blades Leaves Pointing Up


Hey everyone I'm a newbie grower and I have 5 seedling going right now. They seemed to be doing great till this morning when I noticed the leaves starting to point upwards. Not curling but actually pointing. As if it were closing back up. I have them under a 150w hps a 13w and 23w cfl. Can anyone help me out?

PS I'm trying to figure out how to upload a pic. Might have to go to my moms tomorrow if I can't figure it out on my phone.


Ok cool lol. Like I said its my first grow, just trying to make sure things are going smoothly lol.
I guess I am a little over excited haha.

Ill get those pics and post updates occasionally. I kind of need somewhere o document my progress anyway.
I'm also a newbie, My plants are grown from natural sun. in 5.5 weeks it stands 3.5' tall when does it start to bud?????? Can someone help me out.


hey guys!! its been 13 days since our beans sprouted and we put them in the system. they look pretty healthy for the most part though one of them was stunted for about 5 days its starting to get some color and life in it. still using the same lights on 18/6 and earth juice nutes [2-1-1 for veg] theyre about 3" atm. a couple already have their first set of 7 blade leaves!! here are a couple pics of our babies :] any suggestions??

happy smoking!!:leaf:


hey guys!! its been 13 days since our beans sprouted and we put them in the system. they look pretty healthy for the most part though one of them was stunted for about 5 days its starting to get some color and life in it. still using the same lights on 18/6 and earth juice nutes [2-1-1 for veg] theyre about 3" atm. a couple already have their first set of 7 blade leaves!! here are a couple pics of our babies :] any suggestions??

happy smoking!!:leaf:
they look heathy man ,how long do u plan to keep them seedling in the same pot tho?u mite have to separate them once they get bigger to get light to the whole plant
Hey everyone I'm a newbie grower and I have 5 seedling going right now. They seemed to be doing great till this morning when I noticed the leaves starting to point upwards. Not curling but actually pointing. As if it were closing back up. I have them under a 150w hps a 13w and 23w cfl. Can anyone help me out?

PS I'm trying to figure out how to upload a pic. Might have to go to my moms tomorrow if I can't figure it out on my phone.
they do that when they reach for the light and also when they are trying to get light to the bottom nodes its nomal as long as they are not curling up(heat stress)


they have a slight curl that we noticed and we're pulling the light up a little cuz we just feel like its too close to the babies lol. and we'll be doing a little LSTng and tieing the tops to the opposite side of the pot. then around the rim if needed [opinions??] but also thinking of letting one or two just go and do their thang and see how it goes. im big on experimentation and comparing results lol but the wifey keeps telling me to just leave em be and let them do their own thing for this first grow haha. sometimes she knows whats best for me but i can be quite stubborn so we'll see.

was also wondering if any experienced growers out there could give us their opinion on how much i might yield??? im hoping for at least 1oz/plant. hell ill be happy with 1/2oz per plant lmao!!
they have a slight curl that we noticed and we're pulling the light up a little cuz we just feel like its too close to the babies lol. and we'll be doing a little LSTng and tieing the tops to the opposite side of the pot. then around the rim if needed [opinions??] but also thinking of letting one or two just go and do their thang and see how it goes. im big on experimentation and comparing results lol but the wifey keeps telling me to just leave em be and let them do their own thing for this first grow haha. sometimes she knows whats best for me but i can be quite stubborn so we'll see.

was also wondering if any experienced growers out there could give us their opinion on how much i might yield??? im hoping for at least 1oz/plant. hell ill be happy with 1/2oz per plant lmao!!
trying to ask someone how much u will yield is almost impossible without all specs but i got 14 gs(1 plant ) my 1st grow n had very little experience with no top,lst,super crop etc . if it is your first grow i would let them b till u see the way a plant grows on it own . mayby experiment with lst with 1.i have been getting better yields grow by grow, u get what u put in . good luck man


well the babies were 15 days old today and man do they look amazing!!
so to start with, this is what the stunted one looked like for about a week.

it stayed that small and yellowed but made a comeback and now looks like this...

as far as all the specs, KoTToNMoUf216:
light: [1] 150w hps [1] 23w cfl [1] 13w cfl
nutes: earth juice grow [2-1-1] bloom [0-3-1]
system: dwc
strain: super lemon haze
small fan blowing across top of plants

heres what they looked like today!!

we only have about 3' of verticle space left to work with, any suggestions on when we should start the flowering phase?? we're thinking about waiting till days 20-30. will post progress pics of day 20. :]


hey guys today is day 22 and weve already changed our lights to 12/12. they started out rather short but very bushy and have started getting a little more height to them :]
from the way weve been placing our cfl's and training a couple of them, weve had some really good side branch growth!! the one we topped now has 2 shoots and some pretty nice looking growth as well.

here are a few pics of what they look like as of today :]

will update post in a few more days. happy growing and happy smoking!!bongsmilie


hey everyone sorry we havent updated in a while. we are on day 32 today!!

here are 2 pics at day 28


unfortunately our dog decided to munch on one of them earlier today. basically superdropped the hell out of it. i think it might live and pull through, what about you guys?? heres a pic of the devastation...


other than this mornings tragic event everything seems to be going well. had some curling going on i think was due to underfeeding. we were unable to change the res for about 2 days after we were supposed to. but the morning after we did all the leaves straightened back out lol. anyway, thats our update for today. questions?? opinions?? suggestions?? lol

happy smoking all :]