Single Cola Grow Journal (Round 2)

Then That is why your garden is so Successful! ...maybe we can plant this seed in others too!!!

Since being here at RIU I've started to see things differently...which is a good thing.

Starting to actually meet some good friends like regga for one! He is always following my threads....which makes him an awesome friend in my mind! So he will be successful too for all the help to others that he has given. Excellent work buddy!
Yea Im diggin you guys too RIU too but you guys or this thread is def a go to guide for questions, if you guys cant answer i'll go to researching in riu it never fails me. Thanks you guys. Reggae keep them going pics looking real nice bro, and I decided to go with the killing fields f2 its a 12wk flo strain but im doing SOG perpetual grow so hopefully once I get cloning down i'll harvest every 2 wks.
Yea Im diggin you guys too RIU too but you guys or this thread is def a go to guide for questions, if you guys cant answer i'll go to researching in riu it never fails me. Thanks you guys. Reggae keep them going pics looking real nice bro, and I decided to go with the killing fields f2 its a 12wk flo strain but im doing SOG perpetual grow so hopefully once I get cloning down i'll harvest every 2 wks.

hey there don killing fields is a nice looking plant bro and you wont even notice the 12 week flowering time once you get the perpetual going..

thank you guys for keeping my thread chill and peacfull.. there are many haters out there that thrive on screwing up peoples threads, you guys truly are the elite bunch from RIU..

but hey on a side note check out that little bud in the bottom right corner..
i got chills looking at her, brrrrrr!! frrrosty...
im mad i didnt notice her when i was taking pics... i would have gottn a close up
How goes it Reggae brother. Working much these days or mostly gardening lol. I'm all caught up at work with nothing lined up in the near future. Oh well that's why I have my op. To fall back on. How bout some pics of whats going on at your place. Things are steam rolling along here. Not quite sure if the sog was worth the extra time and effort but we''ll see in a month.

Later bro No hurry with the pics :)
How goes it Reggae brother. Working much these days or mostly gardening lol. I'm all caught up at work with nothing lined up in the near future. Oh well that's why I have my op. To fall back on. How bout some pics of whats going on at your place. Things are steam rolling along here. Not quite sure if the sog was worth the extra time and effort but we''ll see in a month.

Later bro No hurry with the pics :)
whats up HC i posted some pics of my 4x4 tables they just got pushed back several pages... new clones have started to root tho so new pics prob by the end of day..
i might just make my new thread today so i can finally put this one behind me...

as far as the work goes man it is bad here in cali.. but i just got a small job that im prob gonna start by end of next week... 2 weeks worth so thats a good bandaid...
i have a huge favor to ask of all that visit my thread... befor heading over to my new hangout

i ask that you please help me in showing some love to my good freind LIME!!! he has been a positive voice of wisdom on RIU for a long time.. he has been an inpiration to many and because of his good vibes please help me in flooding him with rep points...

thanks so much in advance and i look foreward to seeing you all in my new grow...
I like the small jobs as much as the larger ones,,,good luck :)

Heading over to your new journal Reggae. Good idea now that your rolling without pest and shit. I haven't seen any mites here for a while so thats good. I have a few ladybugs hanging out in each budroom helping out too lol.

Catch ya later man
I'm back Reggae, how goes the grows? To date you have the best Cola grows going and I really need to give this a shot. If you're still posting I need to pick your brain with some questions..

I'm back Reggae, how goes the grows? To date you have the best Cola grows going and I really need to give this a shot. If you're still posting I need to pick your brain with some questions..

hey thanks for the kind words Reef... I been away for a while but gonna try and do this one mo gin.. lol hit me up if your still around..
right on guys this is gonna be "exciting". as i said i tried this once, would have worked fine im sure but i only had 1 1000w on a light mover.. now with these new dimmable ballasts it should be way better. gonna be my first time working with them.
Nice, but you didn't answer the question - "What is the strain"? Don't bother. I have already lost interest. Byeee :)