Single Plant Grow Box?


Hi, the names Epik and I was planning on building a single plant grow box. What I had in mind is a 16"x11"x28" stand alone cabinet. I was thinking I'd duct tape tinfoil to the inside walls and a garbage bag to the open side where the door normally covers to prevent any light leaks from there. I'd be going the route of CFL for lighting as I don't have the wallet to drop money on any HPS or other types of lighting just yet. For the lighting fixture I thought i could simply drill 1 or 2 holes in the top and hang a few of those lamps used for reptile cages then to adjust the height all I'd need to do is pull the cord in and out. I was also thinking I'd probably LST the plant. My main question is just weather or not you guys think this would be a suitable space for a single plant, and how much i could hope to yield from one plant?

Any other input is openly welcome. Thanks =]


a lot of the yield will be dependent on how carefully you care to the plant in terms of distance to the light. If you leave the lights too high your plant will stretch and fill out the box quickly but will yield a very small amount of bud. You will want to keep the lights always as close to the plant as you can while still preventing burning, this combined with LST will maximize the light penetration to the entire plant thus increasing the yield.

W/o knowing your strain, wattage, etc. I don't think anyone can do more than guess a number fo grams you'd yield


A couple of suggestions, IMHO, tinfoil is not the way to go to make the box reflective. You can purchase mylar, or a much less expensive way is to simply paint the interior walls with flat white paint that has a titanium base (over 90% reflective). Also, if you are pulling a cord up and down often, there is a chance of loosening the connections, and a potential fire hazard. While it is definitly advised to keep the light as close to the plant without burning it at all times throughout the grow cycle, you may want to explore other methods of raising/lowering the lights that do not put strain on the cord; perhaps mounting the light and putting a shelving system might be your best bet. LST is a fantastic way to maximize your yield in small grow areas, and when combined with a SCROG, will defintely give you the absolute highest yield/cubic foot. Happy Growing!!! :)


I've got something similar to what you're talking about, check out my journal. I think you'll be able to pull some inspiration from it if anything.