Single Plant growing under several low wattage CFL's

Heres the scoop - I am unemployed so very little cash flow coming in, and I am working with what I have. I may have a few bucks here and there to change out some bulbs but for now I am going to work with what I've got. Keep in mind im not necessarily asking what I could buy to make this better, I have a pretty good idea of that but just some tips and tricks and advice from some folks who have done similar grows to maximize what I have now.

First thing is I have 2 other rooms that are being done proper (MH/HPS switch between veg and bud) and plenty of watts to go around for the quantity. I am sort of "apprenticing" as I don't know a whole lot about growing yet. A friend of mine sent me on my way with a small clone a few days ago, and I am starting to grow it. It was in a small bottom of a 20oz soda bottle. I transplanted it to a large 2.5-3 gallon bucket (not sure exactly.) I am using some of the leftover soil from my big grows (subcool's soil mix.) The plant started outdoors, and was cut from an outdoor plant. I have been doing a mixture of outdoor light during daytime, and indoor CFL light at night (just to suppliment some light because of the time of year it is, and to keep it from budding being so small.)

I was running 24/24 at the beginning of its light cycle, but ive notched it down to 18/6. There has not been substantial growth in it yet to speak of, but there have popped out a few nodes (2-3) in the week or so that I have had it, but they are very close together, and very slow growing. It looks to be healthy, and nothing seems to be wrong with it, just slow to grow. I am using currently (indoor) 3 13 watt cfl's and a fixture with two 15 watt tubes. The kelvin for these are all around 3000k. Keeping in mind im not awfully worried about stretching as this is more of an experiment is there any methods or tricks that I should use to keep this bad boy (girl) alive, thriving, and not too tall? I imagine I will eventually as I go along switch out some of my bulbs to be higher wattage, and closer to 6500k and add some socket splitters and such, but I think I should be good for now, as the thing hasn't croaked yet. Input, schooling, and kind advice are much appreciated. I will throw up some pics of my ghetto setup a little while later. :peace: