I've had several great runs in my earthboxes with organic soil made with ProMix base, and the usual amendments. Never had a nute or pH issue. I was running a Piff (PCF Midnight Mass) and an Ace Panama/Bangi haze in 2 EBs side by side, same mix I used previously, just re-amended in both. Started same time, flipped same time. In 6 weeks after flip the PBH had huge colas, and the MM was just getting started. About a week ago, the MM seemed to stop growing and stopped drinking (7 weeks after flip, it was 5 feet tall and budding), then I noticed some wilting and discoloration. I assumed it was nutes, or possibly a pH issue/overwatering, but in hindsight the PBH looked healthy as can be in the same exact soil. A couple weeks ago I had done a final top dress with some homemade compost and castings plus BAS Build a Flower, to both earth boxes. I went on a short trip to help my sis post-Helene, (she had no power, tree on house, I took her coolers, ice, groceries, lanterns). When I got back after 2 days, the MM was DEAD. I mean the entire plant wilted bad and leaves crispy. Res had plenty water. Well, it turned out to be root aphids, and they had totally eaten the roots - the stalk pulled out like there was nothing holding it. I got the EB and plant out of there right away, trashed the plant and the soil outside. Here's the thing - the other EB has shown no signs of them dang critters, but I'm taking steps to make sure since I only have a couple weeks to go. Hope this helps somebody else. The PBH is looking fantastic, huge yielder, so not a total loss. Pretty sure the invasion vector was my homemade compost/castings, not sure why the PBH isn't infected.

A week before the crisis.