Sir_C's Mdanzig Sour 60


What's up rollitup! I thought I would start my first thread with my current closet grow of Mdanzigs Sour60 at Day 39.

Medium: FFHF

Light: 150 watt hps

Pot: 2.5 gal

I did have this strain herm with 3 sacks that I just pinched off and everything has been nanner free since. I also had problems with my ph causing a mag lockout which i've resolved

Here are the pics



By the way did you buy reg seeds or feminized? cause that hermie thing scares me lol.... I picked up a 10 pack of regular ones and it came with 12 :D only 2 didnt germ so far... and I think thats my fault(too cold)


I bought the reg seeds from the attitude right before they sold out...I think thats all Mdanzig sells

As far as the herm problem I wouldn't worry too much about bro, I had three tiny sacks in the beginning stage of flower and just pinched them off...not a single sack since then


I will have to get back to you with her height...I'll measure her tonight

I did have four growing at one point...lost two when they were sprouts from lack of water...the other one ended up being a mutant V branching male006.jpg I just chopped down.

The phenos vary from the ones I grew. I'm not sure what Mdanzig did but it doesn't seem like the same S60 I've seen around the web

Heres a top view of my female

Hers a top view of my male


Ya i figured he only did reg seeds... all i found lol. But ya from everything ive read/seen there is bunch of phenos, but they all stink, and are covered in crystals. I had a few with funny shaped leaves, and from what ive read im pretty sure thats the BOG's sour bubble genetics, most his strains look funny IMO.


Honestly,The reason I picked up s60 is because of the amount of phenos, All of which have been fire from the reports. I originally planned to pollenate and stablize the ones I liked the most.

Now I'm stuck with just growing the rest out for smoke.


Heres a few pics for a better size perspective for you guys.

She measures out at 12.5 inches...easily could of been alot bigger but I tranplanted and had ph problems which slowed growth alot

Heres what I started the S60 in before I transplanted


Not bad man, lol funny thing is the sour60 i got budding is exact same size as yours, cept i tied mine down for better light penetration for the buds. I got a Blue himalaya next to it, and it has 2-3x the bud sites, and its easily double the size of my sour 60. But they both smell skunky/kushy :D


I thought I would toss Mossy's Bad Betty in this thread too...It is a red/purple color autoflower, sativa dominant, very sweet smell
I had some serious ph problems with this one...stunted the shit out of it...great plant though...its basically one entire bud all the way up



Nice man, do the buds turn purple on that one? And ya i dunno maybe my sour60 smells more sour fruity like your saying, haha but the blue himalaya next to it smells exactly like kush, and its odd that all 3 blue himalaya ive had all smelt like stinky kush, but all the grow journals ive seen say it smells/tastes like blueberries. And my blue himalaya looks like 100% indica, where as my sour60 looks totaly sativa.


Yea they sure do... purple/pink/red/ sometimes a blackish color

It is pretty odd you got all kush pheno's. My buddy on a different forum had one Kush pheno out of 7 plants when he grew out his Blue himalayan Diesel.


Nice man, id like to get my hands on some purple bud :D but ya Ive only grown 1 Blue himalaya diesel, and it was outdoors, nothing special, and smelt like berries. The Blue himalaya I have is Blueberry x Kush(landrace from nepal i think)x lowryder(#1 or #2) I cant find my breeder pack right now lol, and the Blue himalaya diesel is the Blue himalaya x DieselRyder I believe. I have not grown enough BHD to say if its anygood, but the dieselryders are very nice, only prob i see with them they are nute sensitive..... where as this Blue himalaya seems to thrive no matter what... Its huge, but when i did one outside it was smaller then a can of pop lol.


Well-Known Member
ordered a pack from attitude. they took money, i recieved nothing.e-mail, they told me they no nothing bout it, cant do anything.....never again