Six crop outdoor 2013


Active Member
Whats up ladies and gents? As my indoor nears its end with 4 weeks left of flower, i figured i would start my very first outdoor grow. I got six beans from a close friend and fellow grower, but unfortunately he forgets what they are. four of the six have germinated over the past 48 hours.
I will be planting the germinated seeds in a six pack seed starter tonight or tomorrow. In about 10 days I should be ready to transplant them into small pots which will be their home for the next four weeks until they go outside.

LOCATION: i'm not going to put all of the crops in the same spot, only because i have never grown outdoors and i feel there is a better chance of some of them making it if tragedy strikes. For example, there is a creek behind the house, a fairly large one. I will be planting some of the crops near the creek (about 100 feet away), but in case we get a freak rain storm and the creek floods really bad, half of my crops will be about 400 yards away at the top of a hill. But, I don't want to put them all at the top of the hill because that's much closer to civilization...

Shit, i didnt mean to type so much.. must be more stoned than i thought. uhmmm so if anyone can give me any pointers or tips it would be greatly appreciated. not sure what im going to plant them in... i might go for 5 gal buckets, 15gal bags, or just directly into the soil. my girl majors in horticulture and says the soil back in the woods is very rich.. anyway, ill keep ya's updated!


Well-Known Member
Good luck sensi I started my outdoor this weekend.
i am hoping for quicker finishing plants so they finish by October.