Size Issues... Exhaust fan + Duct + Filter


Well-Known Member
Hi Guys,

I'm waiting for my new exhaust fan to come, it is going to be 100mm (4 inches)
I already have a duct of 125mm which i'm going to replace too cause is all broken, but I did not ordered it yet.

I also have already the carbon filter which has a flange connection of 125 mm

So I got a 100mm exhaust fan which will connect to a new duct (???mm) which will connect to a 125mm carbon.

How big should i get the duct? 100mm or 125mm?
And also once decided which one to get, how do I adapt the 125mm duct to the 100mm fan (in case I get the 125mm) or the 100mm duct to the 125filter (in case i get the 100mm)?

I hope my question is clear, I've an headache just for trying to explain this! I've been around on google try to understand but honestly I did not really find any explanation.
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Well-Known Member
Connect the filter directly to the fan by placing the fan port inside the filter port, and use aluminum tape to seal it.
Get the ducting to match the fan. Please use supports on the filter and fan correctly to level them out, unless the filter will be on the floor.


Well-Known Member
Okay but then if i get a duct 125 mm how do i adapt the duct with the fan which is 100cm? Tape sounds a bit rough to me, also not really silence friendly.

It is an external filter so the duct is between the fan(100mm) and the filter which has the flange 125mm