Size question with pics

Fluff E

Active Member
I'm still very new at this and am definately still learning. Can anyone look at my pictures and accurately guestimate how much bud my plant will produce? The plant came from bagseed. It is two inches shy of four feet tall in the pic's. It is absolutely covered in budding sites from head to toe. The pic's really don't do it justice. Please ignore the other plant in the pic's. I've already cut almost all of the branches off of it and i made a lot of mistakes with that one but the buds were covered in crystals and it still turned into some fire. I'm cutting the rest of it out on Saturday morning. Anyways, back to my whole reason for posting this thread, can anyone accurately guestimate how much my big girl will produce? Thanks.


There is no way to guestimate how much a plant will yield. It depends on the strain, the medium and the lights you are using.

Fluff E

Active Member
I have it under two 150 watt hps lights, one flourescent tube, and five cfl's around the bottom. I'm using only botanicare's pro bloom for nutes and it's in soil I got from the hydro store where I got the hps lights. They told me it was good. Must be cause it's sure growing like crazy.