Skinning the entire plant? Worked awesome..


Well-Known Member
Kilik, that's what I thought. After cuttin it I only gave a small amount of fertz and thats it.

I thought for sure I would have to toss it.

I will have to count the bud sites later on and post them, and on the 10th I will have pics for everyone.


Well-Known Member
As long as the nodes on the naked branch(es) weren't gouged out, there's a decent chance new growth would form.
If trying similar, I'd leave a little bit of green on it?
Please tell more, I have some girls I would love to keep alive after harvest, am growing outdoors. :)


New Member
I never understood this logic. The plant was bushy, you chopped it down to a stick, now it's bushy again, you feel excited about it.

If you had not chopped it I bet it would be twice the size it is now. I can see trimming a couple of branches off to clone/ force new growth, similar to topping, but hack it all off:?:


Well-Known Member
The purpose of re-vegging is to grow for another harvest, essentially turning what's usually an annual into a perennial. This is why it piques my interest. Plus, I hate giving up hard work.


New Member
no I meant the people that are in the middle of veg that hack their plants up, I can understand after a harvest, trying to get them to re-grow.


New Member
INDOORS, harvest, then trim back what's left on the plant to a little growth, return to 24/0, or whatever you use for veg . . . after a couple/few weeks, new, usually mis-shapen growth will begin. Feed with balanced, return to light. Grow a month? Put back into 12/12.

I hope this helps?

I'm going to try this with my plant. If I can pull it off that'll totally kick ass. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Please tell more, I have some girls I would love to keep alive after harvest, am growing outdoors. :)
INDOORS, harvest, then trim back what's left on the plant to a little growth, return to 24/0, or whatever you use for veg . . . after a couple/few weeks, new, usually mis-shapen growth will begin. Feed with balanced (I do 1/2 strength) return to light. Grow a month? Put back into 12/12. I use regular 40W cool white shop-lights for this re-veg phase. Mh should show faster results.

Outdoors, I'd clone if the plant isn't in a planter. If it is movable, the steps above, plus you'd need to do whatever was necessary to ensure you bring no enemy insects inside alive. I'm gonna use this product (1st time)
PCO fogger

I don't know that there'd be enough sun at this time of year to re-veg outdoors, but the steps above would still apply. Outdoors, stripped plant may re-grow, but I don't see it having time to fruit in the Northern hemisphere?

I hope this helps? Just took two of the pics posted. They show a 3 week old re-veg effort that's succeeding. The growth you see is all new. There were a few old bud pieces and maybe a couple of tiny leaves left on the plant, but I don't see them anymore.
The other pic is of my last re-veg before 2nd harvest. 1st harvest, 6-8 half-a-pinky sized buds, maybe a gram. Realized this was an exotic strain, rescued and re-vegged, 100 gms cured. She was 11" tall and about 3' across, 7-8" thick.
Betcha' can't tell where I snipped my "is it right" sample from!



Well-Known Member
INDOORS, harvest, then trim back what's left on the plant to a little growth, return to 24/0, or whatever you use for veg . . . after a couple/few weeks, new, usually mis-shapen growth will begin. Feed with balanced (I do 1/2 strength) return to light. Grow a month? Put back into 12/12. I use regular 40W cool white shop-lights for this re-veg phase. Mh will show faster results.
That's a regular 4' shop tube, right? Those used to be DAMNED cheap, should still be. Easy to rig up into a hood, reflector, whatever. I used to use the hell out of those things (mixed my bulbs) to grow corals and tridacnid clams (giant clams).
Outdoors, I'd clone if the plant isn't in a planter. If it is movable, the steps above, plus you'd need to do whatever was necessary to ensure you bring no enemy insects inside alive. I'm gonna use this product (1st time)
PCO fogger
I use a tobacco tea that is extremely effective as long as I am sure to hit all surfaces, as well as getting a good bit of the top layer of soil with it.
Would you use the 40W shops for re-vegging those plants that have been outdoors as well? How about using the shop lights to extend their day, or is it better, do you think it might be better, to cut them back and immediately move under the fluoros, then re-veg indoors over winter (I've taken clones I plan on growing indoors as well, but if I don't have to uproot and repot a plant, especially if it's one I like a lot, then why?)?
They're all in pots.

I want to get either MH or HPS (or a combination?) for growing indoors, not sure how many watts I can squeeze after we switch the household lighting to CFL (if I can get 1000W, that would be good, maybe for a 6'x7' area, or larger if I can get him to build it ;) ).
I don't know that there'd be enough sun at this time of year to re-veg outdoors, but the steps above would still apply. Outdoors, stripped plant may re-grow, but I don't see it having time to fruit in the Northern hemisphere?
I don't, either, which is why I ask the above question about indoor lighting for a plant that's been sprouted and grown outdoors. There's also the issue of frost, our growing season is fast coming to an end here.
I hope this helps? Just took two of the pics posted. They show a 3 week old re-veg effort that's succeeding. The growth you see is all new. There were a few old bud pieces and maybe a couple of tiny leaves left on the plant, but I don't see them anymore.
Quite! It helps quite a LOT, thank you. :)
The other pic is of my last re-veg before 2nd harvest. 1st harvest, 6-8 half-a-pinky sized buds, maybe a gram. Realized this was an exotic strain, rescued and re-vegged, 100 gms cured. Betcha' can't tell where I snipped my "is it right" sample from!
Wow, really? You just whacked it right down and it re-grew? You put it under 24/0 until it started growing, or did it undergo a dark period at all before being put under light again?


Well-Known Member
Yes reg 9.98 W-Mart shops. Just p/u 2 more night before last. Tubes $3+ for 2.
I would simply spray were I not bringing an outdoor in. Lots of possible probs and I need to start clean for sure. Just got med license.

If the plants were ready outdoors, I'd harvest, then spray and put under reg fluros. I've read Mh is appreciably faster. Fluros are slow, but I'm in no hurry. Yes, the flowered plant in pics was outdoors, then indoors. It didn't flower outdoors.

Basically yes, I piece harvested the plant, leaving a few nodes and probably a few little crappy buds at the lowest point of rescue. I set it upstairs and paid it no attention for damn near a month. Then I smoked one of the cured buds and just happened to know which of the 7 I'd had it had come from . . . so I made sure that plant got back up in under the lights and fed it some nite. i think it's WRhino, but call it "holiday" 'cuz the first batch was ready July 4th, and the next should be T-Giving thru New Years day.
Glad I could help.


Well-Known Member
insane... wow... just wow!

MrFishy, how do you think - does cutting all plant and letting new branches to grow is better than cutting only buds and letting plant to reveg then?


i DIDN'T trim ANY of my leaves and look what the fuck happened, ..... View attachment 188282 ........ imagine that. :roll:

haven't you been preaching that for over a year now??:wall:... the hell with it, if they're so damn intent on it, let's just leave em to hack up their plants in peace... only after trial and error will they learn to leave the plants alone:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
insane... wow... just wow!

MrFishy, how do you think - does cutting all plant and letting new branches to grow is better than cutting only buds and letting plant to reveg then?
Well, ideally, a grower would have clones ready in the wings and harvest the entire plant at once. Re-vegging works fine, but can take longer than vegging fresh clones.
It's really a matter of need. If you're stash growing and time doesn't matter (you're not out of weed) re-veg can be an effective means of keeping an indoor grow going w/o cloning or seeds.
You should leave some bottom growth IF you're gonna re-veg.

i DIDN'T trim ANY of my leaves and look what the fuck happened, ..... View attachment 188282 ........ imagine that. :roll:
Must be real nice having outdoor space and fine weather (and knowing what you're doing!!)
Can't see your plants fitting inside very well. Different game, IMO.
Any luck rescuing that male pollen?


Well-Known Member
Well, ideally, a grower would have clones ready in the wings and harvest the entire plant at once. Re-vegging works fine, but can take longer than vegging fresh clones.
It's really a matter of need. If you're stash growing and time doesn't matter (you're not out of weed) re-veg can be an effective means of keeping an indoor grow going w/o cloning or seeds.
You should leave some bottom growth IF you're gonna re-veg.

Must be real nice having outdoor space and fine weather (and knowing what you're doing!!)
Can't see your plants fitting inside very well. Different game, IMO.
Any luck rescuing that male pollen?
pretty sure the OP said outdoors. ;-)

i have back up pollen. i'll make due and run another batch. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Oops. My boner.

I'm guessing most folks have come to realize that leaving the leaves alone is ideal for the best production and the plants health. I agree 100%.
Just trying to help folks with very limited space see an ounce or two.