Skiping Veg


Well-Known Member
yea my question is can i skip the veg cycle or maybe only have it for a week i'd like to flower at 7'' is it possiable don't care if yield is crap


Well-Known Member
go on youtube, i dont know if a can promote another site on here, so sorry that i did, download videos call " i grow cronic" he grows from seed, and he take clones that r a week old and puts them into the flowering cycle to see if the mothers r male or female, there great videos i think, thats my opinon!


Well-Known Member
Someone else has a grow from 12/12 thread, he may have info on there. I am actually interested in doing that myself while my bigger plants were flowering.


Well-Known Member
I'll never veg again,i now go straight from clone to bud following the grow op pattern laid out by member AL-B-FUCKED in a thread titled "get a harvest every 2 weeks",im half way through setting up the entire cycle & its obvious once it gets rolling its like a juggernaut,its a hydro thread but the same principals can be applied to soil grows.

Read this entire thread,dont skip a post,all the info you'll ever need is in this thread along with answers to any question you might have,also take note how the OP in that thread answers questions,if you ask a question that he's allready answered he will tell you to read the thread for the answer,its all there if you can spend 3 hours reading it,i did & it's paying off big time.

Here ya go,12/12 straight from clone.