Skroats First Grow (Amateur/Basic Setup)


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, n gals.

Not aiming at the 'best of the best' set ups, I constructed an en-closure from some stuff I had laying around.

May as well write my 'Step by step' -

I started off with germination of course, Using the paper towel method. Leaving the seeds between 4-6 layers of moist paper towels in an open container, in a desk draw.

Few days past, 5/09/09 (or 09/05/09 for you Americans:mrgreen:) the seeds were planted into co-co/rock wool. Placed in to my enclosure where I was running only a 2x 18w (2x 90w incandescent) fluorescent above the 4 planted seeds. (I know it is hardly enough light but it was all I had laying around, giving it ago for no reason, out of the blue). I water them once everyday or two depending whether they need it or not, with a spray bottle. I started off with 24hrs of lights, but today I got a timer and have started 18/6.

I haven't taken much pictures before today (day 19 since planted), they are still small but look healthy and growing well. I've moved the fluorescent over and added a 48w (240w incandescent) compact light. Give them their first amount of nutes at half strength today also. See how they go. I'm not aiming at a big yield thus just growing out of plain interest/experiment/boredom.

Pictures at day 19 -

I know their small but what do you guys think? Are they OK for the amount of days they have been growing under only 2x 18w Fluorescent? etc etc...

My mate did his own little dodgy soil setup (same seeds planted same day etc) under some lights, stretched much? lol. Cable ties FTW. I'm not sure if he can do anything for them now? they look as if their going to die. Over watered/under watered, cause of stretching, other causes... I'm not sure. Thoughts?



Well-Known Member
Any advice I could improve on easily? As I've stated I'm only doing it because I was bored and figured I could do it with what I had laying around. I might invest more into it soon... but if right now i'll be OK... I don't care how slow they grow... how much they yield later on... Am I at least on the right track? Their growing... I guess so... just don't want them to suffer from lack of light of whatever... Mini-grow you could say.


looking good , I haven't growen yet but I should have it kinda up and running in the next 1 or 2 months


Well-Known Member
The Real Day 19 (Counted Wrong) -

- One day after putting in the 48w (240w) CFL. Seems to have made them speed up.

- Skroatz


Well-Known Member
thanks buddy, appreciate the feedback. Not sure how long I'll be able to keep these growing with the light I have though. Nor what I'm going to do when I'm ready for them to Flower.

- Skroatz


thanks buddy, appreciate the feedback. Not sure how long I'll be able to keep these growing with the light I have though. Nor what I'm going to do when I'm ready for them to Flower.

- Skroatz
I'll deff be watching this. I cant wait till I can get mine up and running.


Well-Known Member
I'll watch out for your grow journal. Not to long to go.

I only plan on having 1 or 2 plants growing... hopefully even 1. As long as one turns out female. I have no idea how I am going to sex them as I don't really have the space/equipment to make a Flower room for clones, Nor the lighting/space to support all 4 plants till they flower enough to sex them. I was hoping to use the same enclosure and just turn down lighting etc.. Now I have to think of what to do. lol

- Skroatz


Well-Known Member
are the leaves supposed to feel very dry? they feel kinda crispy.. and rolling up little bit.. I'm not sure if this is normal or not.. I just added another 240w light in there just now when I noticed this. I just started on half strength nutes... so maybe their adjusting or I did something wrong.


are the leaves supposed to feel very dry? they feel kinda crispy.. and rolling up little bit.. I'm not sure if this is normal or not.. I just added another 240w light in there just now when I noticed this. I just started on half strength nutes... so maybe their adjusting or I did something wrong.
no it sounds like its getting hot in the grow room , I would get a few fans, 1 or 2 (depending on the size of your grow) for blowing on the plants and 1 or 2 slaming fresh air in if you want you could have a fan at the top above your light to draw the hot air out.

Also if you dont have one yet get a cool tube for your HPS or MH light to help cut the heat back and your ligh might be a little to close to your plants


Well-Known Member
I'm only running 2x CFL's and 2x 18w cool tubes. 1 desk fan, rooms a constant 22C. I've moved the lights higher a tiny bit. Plants seem to look better a bit too. I'll take some photo's today.


I'm only running 2x CFL's and 2x 18w cool tubes. 1 desk fan, rooms a constant 22C. I've moved the lights higher a tiny bit. Plants seem to look better a bit too. I'll take some photo's today.
good to hear that they are doing better now and I can't wait to see the new pics


Well-Known Member
The plants have grown a bit more... Deciding whether or not I should 'top' them soon, maybe in the coming week or so. Will post pics in the morning. If my camera feels like working.