skunk #1 and white widow,do they need to topped ?


Active Member
Ok, this is my StrawberryCoughXSourDiesel grown Canna Coco in a beer cup. Iv'e been LST'ing it making it wrap around the lip of the cup. I topped it just about 3 days ago. I tied the tops down right before this pic, and this is how it stands right now

I water everyday, sometimes twice. Every other day i give it a feeding of FoxFarm GrowBig. That has helped the color lose on the old leaves. The reason why i water so much is becuase it is very rootbound and coco is very airy to begin with. Might be transplanted in the next couple days.
You topped and are doing lst??? huh..


Well-Known Member
Thanks! It got attacked by some bugs early on. So there are a few yellow leaves. My flowering space is super limited so i had to cut it short. But new growth keeps coming so we'll see how she looks when she wraps around the cup:)


Well-Known Member
You topped and are doing lst??? huh..
yes sir. All just for some practice. This grow is just on the side of my current small grows finishing up. Im starting a NorthernLights DWC grow in a few weeks. The Strawberry will flower with those.


Well-Known Member
Here is a White Russian that was fimmed. 6 tops. The plant took nearly 2 months to start flowering. It lost the main fanleaves from lack of N and stopped growing. It started flowering about 2 weeks ago. Each cola is about an inch and a half now. Funny plant. BUt you can see what FiMing would do to a big healthy plant.



Active Member
Here is a White Russian that was fimmed. 6 tops. The plant took nearly 2 months to start flowering. It lost the main fanleaves from lack of N and stopped growing. It started flowering about 2 weeks ago. Each cola is about an inch and a half now. Funny plant. BUt you can see what FiMing would do to a big healthy plant.
That Russian looks good yum....

Here's 1 plant 5 week into flower using Lst and no cuts.



Active Member
really its all up to you bro, they are your plants so do as you please. currently i have 3 ISS plants 2 randoms and 1 kush, I topped 3 of them and im leaving the other 3 alone so i guess ill find out what i like down the road, the 2 iss plants that i topped actually got FIMed by accident...
personally i like the idea of having 2-4 main colas instead of having one main cola and a bunch of secondary colas but thats just me. LST is a viable option too but really its all on you and how you want to manage your plants

heres a pic of one of the FIMed plants 3 days after the cut was made just for shits and giggles



New Member
I have a kryptonite plant and i topped her about 3 or 4 times over the 4 months ive had her and ill tell you want she will produce just as if not way more bud than a nontopped plant! when i flower i will have many main colas on top, like the other guy said i have so many leaves and other stalks in the way of eachother i have to do some adjust to get proper light too, topping it makes more tops and colas

I recommend topping from what ive done my slef and from wat iver heard