SKUNK BUD(Aerogarden Grow)Pics

I have noticed towards the bottom of the stem is black..
(1/4 inch of the stem)
Why is this???
I hope it doesnt cause my plants to die..

Anyone familiar with this???
first pic is smaller plant
second pic is bigger plant.. which stem is as big as my pinky for sure


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Is it soft ? or could it be the spots from the 1st set of leaves and you tore it off? I'd find something to treat it if its rotting
its not the spots from the first leaves..

Its black,may be rot?? What do i need to treat it?
When are you going to start your flower Jraf? I have an AG (with Diesel) at 25 Days and man mines isn't nearly as branched out as yours but she's almost as cute as your little girl!
dude i dont use AG yet but i do use cfl's and one of the most important things is to keep them as close to the plants as possible without burning them.
for flowering with cfl's its good to start force flowering by 16-25 days. just stick the aero garden on a timer for the lights to come on for 12 hours and then go to sleep in complete darkness for 12 hours that sexing. when it comes out with a bunch of balls its a frickin male ! when beautiful white pistils poke out its a girl so name her and take amazing care cuz she will be perfect if u do...:bigjoint:
man i got the same probs.every seed did the exact same thing.i beleive its a form of will get so thin at the base it wont be able to hold the plant up and crack in half.


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I have it also but I just left it alone. I think its a type of mold. I swear its from over watering in my opinion. I honestly think an aerogarden over waters if you are using rockwool at any setting. Honestly I am thinking on my next grow to just turn off the AG when the roots are long and just use it as a bubbler with my airstones only. As far as curing it I would say to use H202 aka Hydrogen peroxide but I am not sure at what %
man i got the same probs.every seed did the exact same thing.i beleive its a form of will get so thin at the base it wont be able to hold the plant up and crack in half.
From those pics it looks like you are over nuteing it. Do you ever clean out the rez?
I clean the res every two Weeks, I am not over nuting it.. i used a little less then the Floragro bottle told me to.

I just hope every thing works out.
Thanks for all the input
its definately some form of rot. but ive seen alot of pics like this, and most reply with the same answers as its because aerogarden tends to over water at times and wasnt meant for cannabis to be grown in. However, adding hydrogen peroxide is so it can hopefully prevent the rot. What it does is its use more or less like a anti bacterial agent and helps fight all stages of rot. at what rate you say? its a drop/gallon thats for seedlings/cuttings though so you might want to put it up to maybe 2 drops and gradually add need to dilute it first in water dont add it directly too the stem!
Good luck...