Skunk Day 2 of flower


Well-Known Member
eh bro take more pics directly at the nodes and them crop them and I am 100$ sure if the pics are good I can tell you what you got.

white boy smurf

New Member
shit sorry man i put her to sleep a few hours ago but ill take more tommorow, im hoping you will be able to help me. Mabye tommorow i will have more to show. Thanks for trying man. and good luck on your grow

white boy smurf

New Member
i mean at day 9 flower shouldnt you be able to tell sex fairly easily? I know for sure there are no pistils but it sorta looks liek i might be getting balls


Well-Known Member
sex can take anywhere from 1-2 weeks

I'm almost positive you got preflowers, but I need good pics to determine.


Well-Known Member
so you think i have a female? btw nice pics man appreciate it
I can't tell that well from the pics. if you can crop a good pic I can tell you. If you have a magnifying glass you should clearly see some type of sex.

The preflowers show up first then pistals. If it's day nine ther should def be preflowers


Well-Known Member
im thinkin its too early to tell, check out the 1st page of my journal and you can you can see the beginning of a female calyx zoomed in real close, if this is what you see on your plant you got a female, but i still think its a little too early for ya bro, mine took 2 weeks to show, so if you count the waiting period on the sex im 4 weeks in but i dont count the flowering period until you actually see pistols or balls. good luck man *crosses fingers*