Skunk turned yellow, other sprouts ok. Wtf?


Active Member
Checkout the pic. This guy was growing really fast, a lot faster than the others and all of the sudden turned yellow.

His leaves went down, used to be up.

He doesn't look too happy.

The only thing I did was release the roots from a confinment that it filled

Now the roots have the room to grow down into the DWC reservoir

What can it be? Other sprouts in the same system look blue-greenish

Using universal nutes at 1/5 strength

The lights are CFL tubes 18w really close to them



Active Member
Flash update - this guy "got up" this morning.

The upper leaves are now reaching towards the light, while the lower leaves are still down

All I did yesterday was add a tiny bit more nutes (I use a "universal" mix of liquid nutes)

Must have been some kind of defficiency


Active Member
I've got 2 fluro tubes, so I can't imagine it being too close

There are good 1.5-2" between the sprouts and the lights

But that guy just got huge stimulus for root growth (no obstacles, they now can grow right down into the DWC res