Skunkberry By JOI what do u know


Well-Known Member
I got some beans from the Vancover seeds bank from Jordan of the Islands seeds. The Strain is SkunkBerry

Skunk#1 and Blueberry.

Any one grown it? How did it clone? what kind of ppm's can it handle.

thanks for any help Rep for trouble
Really lazy plant. Takes forever to flower. Usually late around week 3. Yield is average. Nearly doubles in size during 2 week stretch. Very mild Mint, pine scent. Good sativa-like high. Excellent everyday smoke. Not something I would keep in the garden due to it's mild scent. If you wanna have a iw ordor garden I would recommend this strain. Also good for a lower watt grow. This strain seems to enjoy the shadier part of the garden.


Well-Known Member
Sorry for the guy on the above post. Clones great big yield stinks big leaves top or not. Easy as held. In some of my ops there are pics. Mine hit day53 on the 5th should pull 3 zip per plant


Active Member
i have my first skunkberry going now, i donno if the genetics are the same cuz i got mine as a clone but for her size i love it.. i flowered mine early so she isnt the biggest cuz iam doning a test run of sorts with my new set up and am still def learning...but she has some great look'n nugs on her!!!! i saw another clone of her 10 days ago and had to buy it :lol:

this is a shitty pic of her at day one of week 5 flowering..