Skunky Munkey Grow 1


Well-Known Member
Updated Pics:

A few leaves got light bleached when they were too close to the hood when the hood wasn't all the way up:



Well-Known Member
Looks very pretty berkman. Maybe one of these days I will get the hang of the indoor stuff. Sun, water, soil, that I understand. Right now, cloning is about all I can do indoors.


Well-Known Member
Looks very pretty berkman. Maybe one of these days I will get the hang of the indoor stuff. Sun, water, soil, that I understand. Right now, cloning is about all I can do indoors.
I feel the same way about outdoor growing. I can't wait until I move into a house. I am going to do lots of outdoor growing, not just MJ but fruits and vegetables too.


Well-Known Member
I love outdoors. Nothing like digging in the dirt...until the ants start pouring out - and up your legs lol


Well-Known Member
I love outdoors. Nothing like digging in the dirt...until the ants start pouring out - and up your legs lol
Yeah I think it would be harder to grow outdoors because of the unpredictability of the weather and insects/animals but I still want to try it.


Well-Known Member
I'm in NorCal, so winter is too cold, but maybe with a greenhouse? Then I guess you would have to have supplemental lighting too. Oh well lol...I just got a little 3 x 4 bed ready for some veggies. I have some rainbow chard and some mixed lettuce so far. Not sure what else I will put in there. If I don't kill this whole next batch of clones like I did the last, I will have a couple rows of kolas like corn ;)


Well-Known Member
I trimmed everything that didn't make it through the screen and I also moved the second circulation fan from under the screen to above the screen. That should provide adequate circulation.



Well-Known Member
I am making a prediction.... hipsters will replace gangstas and dubstep will replace rap/hip hop as the mainstream/POP fashion and music for the next generation....... you all will be wise to heed my warnings......

---more drunk ramblings


Well-Known Member
I guess I am going to clean up the underside of the WhiteFire like that some. I will feel like one of those moms who puts their baby in the microwave, but hey...she will love me in the end right? Right :o


Well-Known Member're funny berkman. What is dubstep?
this is dubstep. listen and watch the clip. its actually really good. the music video is fucking amazing and kinda creepy but child molesters get theirs in the end always.



Well-Known Member
I guess I am going to clean up the underside of the WhiteFire like that some. I will feel like one of those moms who puts their baby in the microwave, but hey...she will love me in the end right? Right :o
she will def love it. :) just pull a few leaves here and there just dont overdo it. lol. cuz then she will be bummed for a few days but will bounce back regardless. just dont pull a shit ton off at one time. gradually pull a few here and there a few times a week as needed to clear the undergrowth that really wont get far enough into flower to be worth anything. i usually wait to clear the pop corn nugs till after the stretch is done so after about the first two weeks of flower.


Well-Known Member
Why would you clear out the bottoms? That's all hash making material! I guarantee you the gains on the top half won't equal what you gave up on the bottom half.


Well-Known Member
Why would you clear out the bottoms? That's all hash making material! I guarantee you the gains on the top half won't equal what you gave up on the bottom half.
I personally have pest probs, and clearing out the bottoms has helped with keeping mites at bay a lil.


Well-Known Member
Hmmmm...well I totally get it for indoors now, due to the controlled environment. But I am kind of with you on that Chaka, cuz I will totally use every last bit of my girls. But I have been pulling a few of the yellowing leaves (which there are a lot, cuz I have been out of nutes for a couple of weeks) and will be taking cuts in the next couple of days, so it will get somewhat cleaned up.

LOVE that video Wheels! So effin cool. Here I was thinking the little girl was gonna need to call Dexter, but no, she handled that shit on her own. Cool tunes too.


Well-Known Member
Why would you clear out the bottoms? That's all hash making material! I guarantee you the gains on the top half won't equal what you gave up on the bottom half.
Oh wonderful, now I have to hear FM's sidekick's advice. I thought I was done hearing shitty advice. Supa - I appreciate the guarantee but you can take that guarantee and shove it right up your ass.


Well-Known Member
Why would you clear out the bottoms? That's all hash making material! I guarantee you the gains on the top half won't equal what you gave up on the bottom half.
would u rather lose a small bit of the plant that wont get enough light or would u rather risk the whole grow do to the possibility of pm mold and bud rot from severe mold and possibly pests like over a few popcorn nugs?


Well-Known Member
Actually I was talking to fumble more than you dude. I already know you have your head firmly planted so far up your ass that you won't listen to anyone. If you had listened to me in the very beginning, or better yet, had a clue how to grow in the beginning you would have done your scrog right. But you didn't, and now you'll get to deal with your burning plants. I've never been a dick to you so fuck off and have a nice life, I will be unsubscribing.