Skunky Munkey Grow 1


Well-Known Member
Dude, trying some Pineapple Kush right now - so tasty! What happened with yours anyways?
The strain I was growing had weak (or not super strong) genetics so I opted to ditch it for something a little more stable. Or at least that's what the dude who made the strain says about his strain.

EDIT: fucking BC99 better be right about this strain!! HAHA jk I have smoked it before and it was some fire smoke that wheels grew. I am very much excited about this upcoming harvest. The only thing that is hard is holding off to harvest at the right time and not early.


Well-Known Member
so everything is going outside under the 1000. too many mishaps. this tent is cursed. fuck the bullshit. mmmm. balls. wait what.


Well-Known Member
so everything is going outside under the 1000. too many mishaps. this tent is cursed. fuck the bullshit. mmmm. balls. wait what.
That sux donkey dick, that tent is def cursed. Toss it in the trash and get a Secret Jardin. I vouch for them because I have 3 of them in my garage and they are the shit!


Well-Known Member
That sux donkey dick, that tent is def cursed. Toss it in the trash and get a Secret Jardin. I vouch for them because I have 3 of them in my garage and they are the shit!

everything is outside. had to cut half the blueberry gum off. its half the size it was.i dropped my phone in a cup of tea yesterday. so a new phone is the first thing on my list. hit me up with a text later with ur number.


Well-Known Member
You leave many weeks in transition? 1, 2 ?

makes transition 18/6 or 12/12
I don't really do anything to transition except follow the H&G feeding schedule which has the transition built in. Check their calculator at and it will show you the transition. I am sorry I am not an expert on feeding schedules so I just defer to the pros (manufacturers).

From the looks of the H&G feeding schedule I think I transition for 2 weeks.


Well-Known Member
I emptied my reservoir today and when I filled it back up with R/O water I noticed that the water circulation is really bad. The roots are clogging everything up again and I can't get in there to clear it out. I have decided to chop the #4 plant today so I can save the other 3 plants. #4 is about 3 or 4 days away from being completely done so it won't be a total loss. I can eat the loss on whatever weight it would put on because it is the smallest of the 4 plants and will yield the least amount. I want to make sure the other 3 will have a fighting chance to make it to the end.


Well-Known Member
I emptied my reservoir today and when I filled it back up with R/O water I noticed that the water circulation is really bad. The roots are clogging everything up again and I can't get in there to clear it out. I have decided to chop the #4 plant today so I can save the other 3 plants. #4 is about 3 or 4 days away from being completely done so it won't be a total loss. I can eat the loss on whatever weight it would put on because it is the smallest of the 4 plants and will yield the least amount. I want to make sure the other 3 will have a fighting chance to make it to the end.
If you didnt have such healthy plants you wouldn't have this problem every


Well-Known Member
I think I only got about 2 ounces from the little #4 plant so I don't feel bad for chopping that fucker. It is drying and should be ready for some samples in about 4 or 5 days. I am going to hash most of the plant and keep a couple colas to smoke on.

I made an aero cloner that I thought didn't work well because I originally had it on a timer for 15 on 15 off and this was bad. Keep the pump on 24/7, that's what I learned. The cuttings all fell over when the timer shut the pump off but they are slowly recovering now. They should be ok for transplanting in 2-3 weeks when I need them. Here are some pics:



Well-Known Member
I think I only got about 2 ounces from the little #4 plant so I don't feel bad for chopping that fucker. It is drying and should be ready for some samples in about 4 or 5 days. I am going to hash most of the plant and keep a couple colas to smoke on.

I made an aero cloner that I thought didn't work well because I originally had it on a timer for 15 on 15 off and this was bad. Keep the pump on 24/7, that's what I learned. The cuttings all fell over when the timer shut the pump off but they are slowly recovering now. They should be ok for transplanting in 2-3 weeks when I need them. Here are some pics:

they will be rooted in a little over a week id say.


Well-Known Member
Supposedly you are supposed to get roots in 4-5 days but I will add a day to that because I shocked them by turning the pump off. I am just happy that they aren't all dead. I can do 24 clones in this cloner if I need to, I just need to cut the holes out. It works pretty well and only cost about $50 with 24 neoprene collars.


Well-Known Member
phone is back on. was thinking of making one but decided to wait till i can get a nicer space for veg and moms and shit.