Skyrim Is The Shit.


Well-Known Member
i never finished the last one. i got about 1/2 way and wandered off.

i keep fliping a coin on buying this one or finishing the last.

i just dowloaded portal 2. good stoner game! nobody shooting at you! :lol:


Well-Known Member
I judge by the depth of the game, the vastness, and how many things you can do. WOW has arenas, battlegrounds, instances, pets to farm for, flying mounts, playing with real people as your "companions". I'm sure everyone has different opinions.. IMO wow is the most massive game ever, in terms of what you can do in it. Most of the games you listed have to be a joke. street fighter? I admit I loved it but it's so one dimensional in comparison.

Back when lvl 70 was the cap I had a Lock decked out in all arena gear and fought a pally decked out in all instance gear riding his war bear.. the fight lasted over 10 min, I know this because I used 5 death coils in the fight (2 in cool down). It was the most intense gaming experience of my life and I will remember it as well as any christmas in my childhood.
Deep.................... EDIT; i noticed that you didn't say you won, so the pally kicked your ass hey, power of the light will always prevail jigga.


Well-Known Member
I am not much into movies, some games blur the line between a movie and something one can interact with, and change the coarse of the outcome, unlike the passive media of film.
And it is much more thrilling and enticing to unravel the next bit of the mystery or story. not all games are the mental equivalent of pong.


Well-Known Member
There's almost too much in the game to do, it's overwhelming. I spend hours trying to find a person or area involved in a quest, and there are hundreds of quests


Well-Known Member
There's almost too much in the game to do, it's overwhelming. I spend hours trying to find a person or area involved in a quest, and there are hundreds of quests
gotta love it. I almost have to restart the game. Been playing it like a mad man.. Yea, there are a couple quests i cant finish either.. Says to find someone without giving any info on that person lol. "find the owner of the golden claw" is one. I guess i can google it.. Takes all the fun out though :D


Well-Known Member
I have the guide, and have also googled a few things...only because I don't wanna spend hours on one little thing


Active Member
The most intense gaming experience i ever had was with my friends next to me, not alone.
yeah I've had a lot of fun playing first person shooters with friends too.. and that does add the element of trash talking your friend which is probably as fun as gaming can get. However as an adult I don't normally gather with friends to play games, we go out for beers. when I game now it's usually solo, but with online games you have your "friends" to. I keep in touch with two people I met on WOW, and talk to them on the phone from time to time. One is actually a girl (imagine that), we ran around together all the time, she quit wow early on but we've kept in touch.

Where Skyrim the OP topic is a solo game, I can't imagine people gathering around to hang out and watch you play skyrim.


Active Member
Deep.................... EDIT; i noticed that you didn't say you won, so the pally kicked your ass hey, power of the light will always prevail jigga.
I doubt I'd hold it as such a great memory if I lost... actually I was in control the entire fight. I just had to wear him down, it took forever, just kept dotting, fearing and life tapping to get my mana back. His lower level warrior buddy jumped in i just dotted him up and got back on the pally, when the pally went to heal.. spell lock with the felhunter. No, I was pretty good, used a Nostromo n52 gaming controller with a 9 button mouse, everything all at my fingertips. Never had to look down, all muscle memory.


HAHAHA you've only wasted 10 hours on it? I haven't been to class in a week... that game is more addicting than crack to me. I'm level 21 with full dragon armor woooo


Well-Known Member
Scientist are actualy ofthe opinion that games use some of the same reward pathways as drugs, so you are not faroff with the crack thing.Haveingbeen there and back for both I reccommend you do the adult thing and set a daily limit for playing like a budget and leave time to go see friends, clean up and live life, the alternative is very sad.

Jakabok Botch

Well-Known Member
bongsmilie bongsmilie bongsmilie



:blsmoke: bongsmilie bongsmilie bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I downloaded Skyrim and missed lectures 4 days in a row. Had to uninstall it, there was no other option lol