skywalker og from seed


Well-Known Member
Picture 157.jpgi went ahead & did some light pruning & supercropping but im gonna quit while im ahead ive been posting a lot this weekend as i know my work has picked up & wont get much time during the week to update my thread maybe later in the week ill be able to post some better bud-starts:mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
Picture 159.jpgPicture 160.jpgPicture 158.jpgive made a liar out of myself & found some time to snap a couple of pics this afternoon we are in another little hot-spell its been at or over 100 degrees f. the past few days but my buds are still coming on & yes its appearing ill finaly one day get to try the skywalker myself one day i have 6 plants & 3 phenos [2of each pheno] which leaves me open to really test advance nutrients big bud on 3 plants & do 3 without it & see if there really is a difference or if ive been wasting money:confused:


Well-Known Member
Picture 161.jpgPicture 162.jpgPicture 163.jpgill try to be back with pics of my girls tonight not much change the buds seem to be multiplying & gage green is in the house along with a gage green cup first time i got a cup that matched the seeds i ordered i also got real [non auto] freebies dinafem critical + & g-13 giga bud so as this grow winds up ill be starting up another thread to cover the new stuff & i think it will be hydro & coco pending how this grow goes i havent ruled out growing more skywalker as i gave a friend babies which he is soon gonna clone for a larger [than mine] grow:weed:


Well-Known Member
Picture 168.jpgPicture 167.jpgPicture 166.jpgPicture 165.jpghere is this afternoons pics definatly got buds developing im gonna feed tomorrow theyre 24-28'' tall so ive got room for some stretch:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
im starting to feel much better about my decision to go right back in with the babies our weather has cooled down a bit but its still warm out


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Picture 169.jpgPicture 170.jpgPicture 171.jpgPicture.jpgplayed hookie today & ive got my boat hooked up & trolling motor batteries charging gonna see if some early fall run stripers are showing yet the salmon are starting to show anyway i fed the bloom schedule this morning & dropped the ph. to 6.2 ive been feeding at about 6.8 but im thinking thats a bit high next feeding ill go back to the transition schedule which is a bit higher in nitrogen but im gonna be sure to check my plants for signs of overfeeding as i know the soil has some nutes in it as well at some point the plants will have used that up & will rely more on what im feeding them instead of whats in the soil little-by-little this should get more interesting as my canopy fills in & it seems im a little more on top of the stretch this round gotta go the water calls out to me fall is my favorite time of year & its right around the corner i cant wait


Well-Known Member
HH, much relieved knowing your girls are budding this time 'round....keep up the good work..but do catch us some fish you here....I live a desert...salmon is my fav!


Well-Known Member
its still a bit early & the weather hot for prime fishing i live on the edge of the sanjoaquin delta & its nice on a week-day i only caught 1 juvenile striper i really would like some salmon for the smoker my plants are programing & im wanting to return to coco & would like to try some of those r/w cubes under my coco in the smart pots & my e&f tray i think with hydro you have a lot better control of your nutrient uptake & actualy to me anyway seems to require less grower skill than soil,Picture 176.jpgPicture 172.jpgPicture 173.jpgPicture 174.jpgPicture 175.jpg dirt seems to come difficult to me:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Picture 172.jpgPicture 177.jpgPicture 178.jpgPicture 179.jpgits looking like im gonna end up with a gang of thumb sized buds it doesnt seem to have the structure to produce large buds im sure these are gonna be hard to trim:leaf:


Well-Known Member
My Jedi OG Kush also had a bunch of smaller nugs, still produced nicely, just no monster colas.


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Picture 183.jpgPicture 182.jpgPicture 181.jpgyeah i dont think you can say og & large buds in the same sentence im having me a lazy o'l saturday here is a pic of pheno #2 the one i couldnt bring myself to toss out its living with my tomatoes & peppers i didnt catch no fish for my smoker so i stooped so low as to buy it i returned from oregon with a helluva smoked salmon habit so the smoker is going today nothing like the smell of alder chips in the summer breeze:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Picture 186.jpgPicture 187.jpgPicture 188.jpgi spent the day out of town & got in this evening & snapped a few pics this is starting to resemble a grow so far theyre not really giving off any smell at all im hoping that changes:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Yea should start getting some smell and more to look at in the next couple weeks,
looks really good though, do you know how long she takes to flower?