skywalker og from seed


Well-Known Member
Picture 010.jpgPicture 011.jpgPicture 012.jpgPicture 013.jpgPicture 014.jpgPicture 015.jpgim just pretty much feeding the gh-flora series keep it simple shedule & addatives & adding cal-mag as the ppm on my tap water is low [35-85] avg. i feed 1 gal of mixed nutes to each plant 1 time a week then water as needed as the plants get larger i ll look for signs of not getting enough food but so far its working & im not gonna fix it my clones are a week old today i generaly start seeing roots out the bottoms of the blocks in the 3rd week in a few days ill foliar feed the clones with a mild solution of nutes & at week 3 ill soak the blocks with mild nutes as they will be getting roots by then i look for signs that the clones arent taking well in the 1st week & if i see a problem ill take more clones anything later than 1 week after the flip you run into a good possability the clones taken might try to bud on you then they kinda go into a funk & it takes time to recover today is feed day & theyre looking a little hungry but i dont want to overdo it after 3 years of back to back hydro grows soil is kinda cool & the main reason i did this one in soil is that i want the full range of og flavors & turpens & all that stuff og kush to me always look on the droopy side i used to trip & worry about it now i accept it for normal i cant wait for this stuff to start budding really good im gonna have to prune & train some more :confused::weed:


Well-Known Member
so sterts another work week fed then thr trsnsition dose last nighttheyre filling in nicer by thr dayno complaint here


Well-Known Member
hey ace not much smell yet im figuring when they start budding good ill get some smell they stink if you rub a stem but theyre not giving off a noticable scent yet


Well-Known Member
Picture 030.jpgPicture 031.jpgPicture 032.jpgwell ace theyre making a liar out of me its 330 am. & i just snapped a couple of pics the stretch has started got a lot of new growth this week im feeding them the transition schedule this week which has equal parts grow,micro & bloom i use the gh keep it simple schedule this is a grow pretty much anyone could duplicate with a minimum of grow experience & the desire to give it a try for sure im no rocket science genius if i can do it so could you i figure in about a week i should start seeing the first bud-nubbins starting to form theyre giving off a slight musty/pine smell when i open the door thus making me out a liar when i said there is no smell that part of it just started this is most definatly a hybrid & all 4 plants so far are pretty much identical & im really starting to like this strain lets hope nothing happens to change that:hump::peace:


Well-Known Member
thanks redeye i got all fired up when i read your thread on how it smoked i want to someday try the kandy kush as well


Well-Known Member
I did the Jedi OG Kush (in signature) and it was super citrus smelling. Great yielder and loved to be tied down. I actually had a lot of trouble keeping her under control. Got just over a QP from a single plant, could have gotten more if I had more space and if I had done a better job training. Your grow looks great, nice color on those leaves.

Redeye Bri

Well-Known Member
thanks redeye i got all fired up when i read your thread on how it smoked i want to someday try the kandy kush as well
Sweet! I actually grow the Kosher Kush, rather than the Kandy Kush, although I do have a bean of the Kandy that I can't wait to try. That Kosher review is in my signature.


Well-Known Member
Picture 034.jpgPicture 033.jpgPicture 035.jpghey redeye i enjoyed your kosher kush mini review your description made me feel like i was right there my plants are now avg. 36'' tall thats about 1' of new growth in about a week i still have about 1' that i can raise my light tomorrow im gonna start supercropping & training some more & do some pruning as well as i wait for the first signs of buds forming tomorrow is 14 days of 12/12 light cycle this to me is the most boring time of the grow as its a waiting game untill the buds come but i should quit snivilling & be thankfull all is going good :weed:


Well-Known Member
:cool:Picture 036.jpgPicture 037.jpgim starting to get concerned about the stretch as theyre really reaching out i measured them today & theyre 38-40'' tall thats 2-4'' stretch in 24 hrs the plants are getting ready to bud-up im seeing future bud sites everywhere next to barneys farm pineapple chunk this is my stretchiest strain so far todays pics dont look much different from yesterdays just the canopy got taller i dont plan on any major changes as im really happy with the overall health of my grow i just hope the stretch mellows out & it comes out:fire:


Well-Known Member
thanks for sharing herk, they look great, can you take a pic of the whole plant? I have 6 of those from RP and I'm thrilled you have them going so I get a preview


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Picture 038.jpgPicture 039.jpgPicture 040.jpgPicture 041.jpghey james i got your message & hope the reply went through & i hope you get some usefull info from my grow i know this is a long thread but you might want to thumb through it as there is some stuff you might be interested in