SKYWALKER OG needs help pics

okaty so update. the leaves are kinda turning yellow. but still are growing. I picked up SERENADE RTU and Ed Rothensal's Zero Tolerance. I gave them a nice spray and shall keep you updated. The fungus gnats and little white bugs are really becoming a nusance.


Well-Known Member
okaty so update. the leaves are kinda turning yellow. but still are growing. I picked up SERENADE RTU and Ed Rothensal's Zero Tolerance. I gave them a nice spray and shall keep you updated. The fungus gnats and little white bugs are really becoming a nusance.

gognats and yellow sticky traps will clear up the flies and gnats.
yo so update.

friend is lending me his 150hps light, Im going to put that in and use the 3 leds whiles having the flourescent t8's under the plants with sticky traps. I will post pictures in a few days to show how the plants have reacted to the SERENADE RTU and the ZERO TOLERANCE. going to start flowering in a week. Any advice


Well-Known Member
the serenade will burn the leaves some what. try wiping each leaf down with a wet paper towel or wipes and using neem after that first. use serenade as a last resort. ive seen first hand how it burns and if used during flower it burns off the trichomes and lowers the quality. personally i try not to use it. i have a buddy who has had pm problems up and down. he's been using serenade. it does get rid of some pm but not all of it. his ph is always on point.
jesus you're right. I drenched it in serenade and tried to get only the soil with the ZERO TOLERANCE i noticed most of bottom of the plants leaves are dead. or dieing yet hte plant is still growing. i'm still in a 18/6 cycle right now. Going to do another application of Zero Tolerance in a day or so.


Well-Known Member
im telling you. try pure spray green. i just went to a buddies whose whole everything was infested with mites. hooked and curling leaves.i gave 2 applications of pure spray green and they were gone. pulled the damgaed leaves. a little great whie and water in the soil, a spray down with karma and they are doing awesome. and my buddy tried everything and nothing worked until i came over and now he's stoked. it kills eggs, adults, and babies. most of the others don't. alot of lines claim to be organic and aren't if they have the OMRI listed on the label then they are truly oraganic. i spent months trying everything myself. i finally came across it. it really works. 25 dol for a quart. very concentrate. you can even sleep next to the plants after spraying them unlike some other toxic mitecides.
yo thank you. Yeh 3 days after the first application the SERENADE till stinks and the mildew looks pretty unaffected by both medicine. The bugs look like alot have died byt not all. still have some gnats. Hopefully will start flowering by sunday! before all the leaves wrinkle up.
an update, 3 days into flowering and added a new 150 hps light to supplement the 3 kessil and 2 flourescent tubes. here is how they look

Also i don't know if i need to transplant but someone said the pots i have my plants in are too small. they are less than 1 gallon.
