slabhead's 2010

There's this old 6 ft cottonmouth living in my best water hole. We appear to be co-existing but the 12 ga is right there to be sure. I'm gonna try NeL's mothball & Irish Spring attack on the pigs. A few of those moth balls around the snake pit wouldn't hurt.
Tell me about it! It was 91 @ 11:30 yesterday. And and those fuckin' ticks are BAD. Pulled one out of my ear last night. Already spraying myself from head 2 toe and getting bit. grrrrr

I'm a bit exhausted but hangin' in there.

I'm right there with you buddy. Figured you must have been busy.
i had a den of copperheads in one of my plots. almost got me but instead i got it haha. but ticks gross me out

God damn D. That's some rough shit, ticks are one thing but copperheads are no joke. I've been attacked by a snake this season but it barely had teeth let alone venom. There is nothing around here that can kill me in the bush like you got over there
Tell me about it! It was 91 @ 11:30 yesterday. And and those fuckin' ticks are BAD. Pulled one out of my ear last night. Already spraying myself from head 2 toe and getting bit. grrrrr

I'm a bit exhausted but hangin' in there.

when i'm in the bush they should watch out for me. lol i carry a machette to deal with "things"

Hell yeah D. All I got in my hand is a fucking fishing rod, maybe poke out an eye?
I still have a few clones to finish planting from this batch. Some look like they aren't gonna revert from the hours change. Oh well it looks tasty enough. :blsmoke:




It's been so hot and dry already I've gotten behind on planting. Two more mom's going out next time, the Dairy Queen & Violator Kush. I've had them exposed to some partial sun for a couple of days now and seeing fresh growth. That leaves just two Jack The Ripper moms and the last run of clones taken. And the last clones that were repotted to the magnum yeah, I need to get my tired old ass in gear. :peace:
I still have a few clones to finish planting from this batch. Some look like they aren't gonna revert from the hours change. Oh well it looks tasty enough. :blsmoke:

It's been so hot and dry already I've gotten behind on planting. Two more mom's going out next time, the Dairy Queen & Violator Kush. I've had them exposed to some partial sun for a couple of days now and seeing fresh growth. That leaves just two Jack The Ripper moms and the last run of clones taken. And the last clones that were repotted to the magnum yeah, I need to get my tired old ass in gear. :peace:

You need to get a mule to tote your stuff into your plots.
These are the last two moms going. Jack The Ripper


These clones are about ready for sun.

Clones pulled 5-26



Papaya, Jack The Ripper, Dairy Queen, Violator Kush, and CinJack


The Violator Kush and Dairy Queen moms a bit sunburned but making the transition. Time to give them some place to call home.

These are the Bubblelicious moms and other moms that were culled out as they outgrew their space.





These two Sleestack x Skunk are about to revert from almost positive flowering.






Those look great slabhead!
Thinking or growing outdoors myself now.. :p


Thanks for the kind words. :weed:

Good stuff Slab! Some of those aren't sure if they want to flower or veg! lol

LOL that's some crazy shit! I've got foxtailing on one half of the branches and fresh growth shooting up all over the other half. Those were the Bubblelicious moms I set out after finding the nuts. There are a couple of the Sleestack x Skunk moms reveging too.

are those auto's slab or from last year? reguardless, it looks like you're playin for keeps buddy! keep it up.

Thx donkey, those are from the 12-23-09 beans. It's funny you ask about them being auto. Right after I started seeing the early females that wouldn't revert I started seeing Attitude selling their auto Bubblelicious. It sure seems like mine were leaning that way. I should have some dank buds here in a few more weeks...

I'll try add some descriptions if it will allow me.
What's up everyone? Freakin' hot days are gonna kill me yet. And now the forecast for Sat & Sun are 104. No telling what the damn heat indexes will be. DEAD or FRIED i guess.

:weed: But I'm gonna fight back.

I watered everything this morning. Some of the clones didn't look to good. The last week has been 92 to 97 so I guess they are just burning up. The roots I guess, got to get them all in the ground...

But things inside are winding down.

These clones here are about ready.



The last two moms are both Jack The Ripper. That will be the last pull of clones then they are going out.

I've been more than pleased with these T5's. Although I haven't tried to finish out anything with them, they are perfect for indoor propagation and cloning. "What electric bill?"

yeah I bet 8 lights is just insane. probably not much more heat.

your stuff is looking good to bro.

if this heat doesn't kill us all...
True that.
I went fishin today... 95 degrees. 15 minutes later in the upper 70s with big ass droplets nailing me every so often. Hope you caught a couple of clouds/showers.

that was nice huh. i stood outside and soaked it up like a plant.
dammit I got none of it. a slim chance this afternoon before the weekend bake.

let me try this
hell yeah slab, you bad mofo! killer vid's! how many are you putting out? you're an overachiever just like northeastern hahahaha