Really?Clone only? My growing partner and I have got lots of urkle seeds. Urkle was about 1/4 of our outdoor crop last year.
Haha I was kidding, but yea, i'll see what I can do. Any other good strains i can find on the 'nets?Not sending anything. Just because seed banks on the internet don't sell them doesn't mean they are un-obtainable.
I live in new england man, haha and i'm the only one of my friends who grows.just get some me and my friends have 75+ strains we are working with through out our network...what part of oregon u live in? eugene here maybe i might be able to help
completely agree, a vape is such a relxing way to smoke, very nice for night timedont really have a strain but I do reccomend a vaporizer came bed time.
I'm not a patient either, because my state wont let me be haha. But i still would like to use it medicallyim not a patient...but all weed will make me happy hungry and sleepy.
I'd love me some kush, i'm thinking white rhino is gonna be my pick for an indoor grow for sleeping issues and some back pain. Thoughts people?Patient in Cali, 100% indica lover i usually go with kush strains to go to bed.