SLH 5 week into Veg, Upper leaves Chlorosis.


Well-Known Member
Strain: Barney's Farm Super Lemon Haze
Medium: Soil; Californian Worm Humus 60/40 mixed with perlite. 2tbs Dolomite Lime per gallon
PH: 6.5-7
Light: Digital Ballast 400W MH @ 6200K
Nutes: 15ml Botanicare PBP Grow, 5ml of Calmag+, 5ml Liquid Karma.
Temps: min 72 - max 80° F
Relative Humidity: Min 40%, Max 55%
Feeding Schedule. Fertilizers Ounce a week, pH corrected water in between.

Plants were growing superb until I had to move them around the house to fumigate, paint and set up the grow room which is already good to go. I had 3 plants ready to flower that's gone sick. They're showing Chlorosis on the newer growth or growing tips. In overall she had a week of stress from changing environments, I expected some estretching, dark leaves and bruned tips as possible consequences adding to the fact fumigation gasses could hurt them despite I kept them Isolated and the younger plants are not showing any signs out of the expected. I can't set up my mind on what this signs on the upper leaves could be. My soil's been good all around and I supplement a little calmag as well which they've liked all the time. So please take a look and tell me what you see Fe, K?. I'm gonna post pictures of the SLH mostly and a Moby Dick that's showing same symptoms, there's also an LSD


Pat the stoner

New Member
On new growth I always check what has happened about the last 3 days before I noticed it . Like feeding , watering or anything else that is recent the plants may have been exosed to . Sorry I can't be of more help , I have a lot to learn myself . At least most of the color looks very good still .


Well-Known Member
Well So I narrowed it down to Iron and Sulfur. I'm gonna flush with super thrive and check my nutes for add some GH micro to the mix. Hope they bounce back. I don't have a PH soil taster I've been told that measuring run off wont work. Any other handy quick method?


Well-Known Member
Well this happens when Soil Ph is two low (under 4) mine is 6.7 so a def of potassium should be the cause, too less K, you lock out Iron ... I did the flush wrong as I used superthrive, Sweet and Calmag on the mix, a good combo of micros and enzymes but I left out K, so I'll have to foliar feed and pray (this is my 420 smoke). Diluted Flora Bloom or Kool Bloom could work as I was checking on the labels. I'm adding some in my next feeding.. hope they make it till then.