Slight bleaching of leaves 8th day of flower HELP


Well-Known Member
Nitrogen promotes veg growth

If you suddenly stopped delivering this to the plant and the plant has mostly PK available, growth will slow and defeciencies occur. The plant doesnt need PK in heavy levels until week 3+ in flower.

Raise your light to 24" because your plants are obviously looking shitty. Give it 50/50 veg/bloom for a couoke weeks if your in such a rush to start bloom fert. Once you see h did forming switch to the bloom.

Raising the light will create a less harsh environment while you get this under control.
I got the exhaust right inside the tent, so plenty of air movement.... Can I just keep feeding bloom nutes and and put extra nitrogen in my res by using GH floralicious plus??


Well-Known Member
pics: pretty sure its bleaching, I know what Im doing in dwc. Most pics are with lights off, however I took a couple pics with the light just starting to come on. 9th day of 12/12

that is not bleaching others have stated it is a slight deficiency if your following the proper ph levels.......leaning towards iron.


Well-Known Member
Well after 24 hours of a flush for possible salt buildup ppm levels didn't go up, so its not that... Did a res change and added the same flowering nutes, bc the only difference in GH technaflora series the only difference is a root and grow supplement.... Seems like a few more calylxes have opened and she maybe grew a little... NEW REZ set to 5.5 and ppm of 1000 and will add plain water tomorrow to bring it down... WHats next ??


Well-Known Member
Like I said this plant hasn't done much in the last 7+ days.. Does this 7 days mean its gonna take 7 more days to finish?


Well-Known Member
Say last time I did a rez change like 13 days ago I forgot 1 of the 6 nutrients I put in, could that do this ?? I don't know plant is still green its like stuck in between vegg and flower.


Well-Known Member
Okay plant might be growing and I think I seen a few more calyzes... However last night I set the ppm to 1000 and now 24 hours later it was 795, like it is under-feeding. Prior to this problem the ppm's sweat spot was 925. Could the plant be over-compassating for the lost time it wasn't growing ??