Slimboyzz 8 Buld T5 fixture


Well-Known Member
Anyone have any experience with this fixture? I am thinking about trading my ebb and flow table for it. I can't find very much info on them though, are they HO T5's or regular T5's? any links with info would be great, Thank you in advance.


Well-Known Member
I just found out that BloomWright makes these, still haven't found any specs, but i guess it will be first hand knowledge cause i am about to go meet this guy and trade away....


Well-Known Member
Well, i went ahead and picked this bad boy up on friday and let me tell you...... totally worth it. The retail is $280 and i got on a trade, so i am very stoked about that. It is hella bright, the T5 are HO and you can daisy chain other units or lights into it. Its pretty bad ass... Got it over my budding baby with 8 red bulbs in there and she love it, it puts out less heat than the CFL's i had hanging over her and now i have an extra 10 inches to play with (height wise, i was running out of room, so 10 inches is a lot to me). So overall I am very please with the product so far, i have plans to use this light as my mother setup once i put my 1000 watter into action. So I would recommend one of these if you can find them for under retail.....


Well-Known Member
Let me add to this, These are no longer being made. Bloom Wright invested too much $$$ into the development and roll out of these SlimBoyzz (2ft and 4ft models 6 or 8 bulb fixtures) and the sales were low, so ultimately it wasn't profitable for bloom wright to keep making these. They work fucking great, awesome reflective material (German made 97% reflective coating on the interior) and hold 8 HO T5's. Their slim profile makes small spaces much more work able, and the low heat output lets me almost put it just as close as my CFL's. Since i have used this light the explosion of bud site has been wonderful. I can clearly see that these t5's penetrate the canopy and my lower bud sites are filling in heavy, make branches bend....

So yea, just wanted to share my experience, i would recommend one, you'll all see the end results once i chop, I will post the hanging slut....:peace::joint:

Kid A

Active Member
I have the Sun Blaze 8 bulb 432 watt 40,000's hella bright without the heat. I have 4 6500k bulbs and 8 3000k bulbs...hope it produces nice tight ass buds.
However...i'm using mine on 8 plants that are 2 1/2 feet tall and a little over 1 foot in diameter...almost 2 squared meters.