sliver surfer vape


i just picked one up this week. iv been using it the pasted few nights and im finding that im not getting as high, it feels like a different high tho....kinda clean. Dose anyone have this vape that could give me some info on the temp and anything else they have to say about it. thanks for the help and your time :joint:

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
never used it using a volcano (loading a bowl as i type)

Try between 365-392 for vape temps. Just start low and work your way up if possible


it says to crank it to full for 2-3mins and then turn it down passed half but im finding that i cant get that much smoke off it.... witch then makes me want to turn it up but its burning through my weed fast. iv been smoking for a good 3-3 1/2 years every day so i know its going to take a bit.... dose it matter how fast i take a pull off it?


Active Member
Ive been using this vape for around 4 years. If the starting point of the temp gauge is at 6 on an hour clock, set it at 1 on the hour clock for ideal temp. When the heating rod is real red with the tip white then its ready to go. Inhale slowly and stir the bud around with every hit. Took me a while to figure it out, but its well worth it. When all the bud is brown you are done. You'll see more smoke the browner it gets


Well-Known Member

SSV the Silver Surfer takes a bit of skill - you have to breath in slow.

The starting volume of air in the glass heating chamber is all of the hot air that you can breathe in if you breath fast. Once that hot air is gone you have to let the heating chamber come back up to temperature without breathing again. If you breath slow enough you can fill your lungs with vapour.

People new to the Silver Surfer breath in all of the hot air and draw cold air fast, turn up their SS, burn their weed, get frustrated. Turn the heat down, breathe slower, take your time, it will work with practice.

Check out my DIU vaporizers, each produce better vapour than the Silver Surfer. You can get some ideas on vaporizer operation from those posts.


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