Slow Bud Growth


Well-Known Member
So I have 2 unknown strains, I have grown both before in soil. This is my first DWC grow. I am running a 400 W HPS in 5gal buckets. Using Using Technaflora Nuts (B.C. products). FIM and LST method. Strain A is going fine, it was a big fast producer when in soil. Strain B was small and slow in soil and is the same in water. She is my favorite, but I'm 5 weeks in flower and have little popcorn buds. Strain A was vegged about 5 weeks, and Stain B was vegged for 2 weeks. Maybe put pictures up later.

Anyway I can increase the yield? Maybe add some more SugarDaddy? B.C. Booster and B.C. Bloom?


Active Member
huh?? if strain a was a crap producer in soil its just a crap producer, why do you like it? however if plant a has had an extra 3 weeks vege its bound to have better buds because a plant with weedy stems cant support big buds so it wont produce them, also the effective range of the 400 hps will only produce a big bud within a narrow band of light, say from about 10 inches to 28 inches, further away than this and you will get weedy popcorn buds.


Well-Known Member
Strain A is an awesome producer but I enjoy the effects of Strain B the low producer. I have the light less than a foot away. It has many bud sites and tops due to LST method but just isn't producing that much.


I would think a longer veg time out produce a larger plant. This would increase the potential for more bud sites or as nog stated, the stems can support bigger buds. 2 week veg on a known slow grower is odd. If you vegged the good producer for 2 and the slow one for 5 you may have equal size plants.


Well-Known Member
I add Canna Boost into my reservoir during flower I like the results does not really change my PPM that much maybe 1 point for every ML used?